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Internet Governance- Am I Included

“Internet Governance Forums should be multistakeholder”

Including women, differently abled people, civil society and youth, not only policymakers, academia, technical etc. What do you think? 


  1. 16020685

    Internet governance is the development and application of shared principles, norms, rules, decision-making procedures, and programs that shape the evolution and use of the Internet. Simply, it refers to the processes that impact how the internet is managed.
    When talking about the internet, we all are aware that, internet itself has acquired a major part in the lives of human beings. Most of the day to day activities are conducted with the support of internet whereas we have become dependants of internet.
    So it is has turned into a must to control and manage the use of internet in order to protect the ethical rights of every living being. To carry out this task continuously, an internet governance forum is held annually in a pre-decided location. This year, it is decided to be held in Geneva in the month of December.
    The vision of internet governance is presented in an order that we all can have a common message. The ultimate goal is to ensure that all relevant stakeholders interested in a broad range of issues related to internet policy and governance may be genuinely involved in the governance of the internet in their respective roles.
    I think it is really important to have the participation of all multi stakeholders such as women, differently able people, civil society and youth, policy makers, academic, technical etc. This will help us to explore in more possible areas than the ones discussed so far. The governance process can be conducted in a more realistic way than before with the participation of these neglected human categories. We should be aware that these people are also using internet and they should also be aware of the governing process that are taking place. It is always important to choose right stakeholders to participate in the forums to get a more productive and effective outcome.

    1. 16020367

      Yes it is true how many more possible areas could be explored by hearing out the other stakeholders. Differently abled people are able to see and experience the world in a way that we would never be able to see. It is they who can truly help the other differently abled people as well for the use of Internet in a way it could benefit them.

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    3. 16020456

      Yet it is a difficult task to include every sector of people in internet governance. Moreover it creates issues that were not there before. For example the current internet governing forums are gonna have to educate the new parties and will they be willing to do that? Wouldn't this create a conflict between the sector of women,differently abled people,civil and the youth and the sector including academia,technicians etc? How are we to overcome these issues?

  2. 16020812
    Internet Governance Forums should be multi stakeholder

    Internet governance is the development and application of shared principles, norms, rules, decision-making procedures, and programs that shape the evolution and use of the Internet. Internet has become the bridge which connects the society with each other as internet is opened, distributed and interconnected. So, internet has to be governed in order to secure the data. Also with the advancement of technology the society tend to rely on internet. Because we can connect almost anything to the internet without anyone’s permission. This has been a critical issue to govern the usage of internet. So, the multi stakeholder approach to internet governance is very important to make policy decisions. And it must adapt to meet new challenges. The multi stakeholder approach allows us to protect and further develop the complex systems we rely on while allowing those systems to go on working.
    . This cannot be done with the total intervention of government as the decision making should be transparent and impartial so as to be trustworthy. If not decision making process would be politicalized. Decisions impact a wide variety and distributed range of people and interests, there are overlapping rights and responsibilities across sectors and borders as well as different forms of expertise are needed such as technical expertise. Also internet governance forums should include women, differently abled people, civil society and youth, not only policy makers, academic, technical experts etc. By this, activities can be easily monitored with experience, behaviours and practices that can be applied almost anywhere. They will make ways of working robust, more effective and better to deal with the complex, cross border issues. Internet governance forums should be promoted globally, equally as an effective tool for enabling human development and social inclusion.

  3. 16020723

    With the development of technology, Internet has become a complex and major network distributed all over the world. Therefore all kind of people are got chance to use this network system and get it’s benefits. Thus this Internet has become another society and people who use this become members of that virtual society.

    In general public things are governed by local government and things get controlled most of the time. But in this virtual society yet no one has participated to govern it and things being happening beyond it’s limit. Hackers and crackers break the security and steel valuable information and spreading viruses, ramsomwares, trojans and most of the people violate common ethics can be consider as burdens that have to face for general internet user. Hence there is a discussion about governing the internet but people also like to enjoy their freedom because sometimes internet is the only place they can do whatever they want and tell their opinion, thoughts to the society.

    There are advantages and disadvantages of governing the internet hoping for a better usage of the internet. However internet governance should be multi-stakeholder including every citizen of the country such as women, differently abled persons, civil society and youth. Normally in countries, laws and regulations are enforced by the parliament. So if those authorities decided to put up surveillance for every aspect of the internet the freedom of users will be violated. Therefore my opinion in this case is people should behave themselves and they should know their limits and to be ethical. Internet has no owners thus the users themselves must protect it’s freedom and use it wisely. But nowadays people act like they do not care it anymore so it should be governances but it should be done by multi-stakeholders.

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  5. 16020995

    Internet Governance is the development and application of shared principles, norms, rules, decision making procedures and programs that shape the evolution and use of the internet. The Internet Governance concept was introduced by World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) in 2005. Internet Governance forums help to bring people together from various stakeholder groups.
    As I mentioned earlier Internet Governance forums is a multi-stakeholder forum for policy dialogue on issues of Internet governance. Each and every stakeholder should participate in Internet Governance activities.
    When considering differently abled people there are so many internet based applications and programs are introduced for them. Normally they have better opinions and ideas about world and other matters. So it’s very important to get their participation in Internet Governance forums. Also young people participation in Internet Governance forums are very important. Because they are the mostly contact with internet technology and they can active part in the decision making processes. And sometimes can happen young people don’t have much knowledge about policy discussions. Through Internet Governance forums it can be changed.
    Normally believe men have more knowledge about technology. Therefore special attention should be given to women in Internet Governance forums. In the present society women play a very important role about information society. Access to the internet is extremely important for women. Online violence against the women is the one of the main problem in nowadays. But if they have proper and protected access to the internet their can easily share their matters, ideas and suggestions.
    Usually in the Internet Governance forums policy makers, academic and technical people get main attention and others don’t get fair chances. But maybe other stakeholder can have different perspectives about information society. To make better decision making process in information society every stakeholder should get fair chance.

    1. What are the methodologies that you would like to suggest to interact everyone in internet governance?

    2. Index Number - 16020995

      The best way is multi stakeholder approach internet governance forums . For that we can use new technologies like video conference, mobile apps etc.

  6. 16020731

    With the development of modern society internet has become a powerful tool and essential part of human lives. Today the internet has replaced several tasks we used to do manually. The internet can be used to any kind of people without age limit. An internet is not a property owned by any co-operation, it is unable to put up barriers or restrictions.
    Due to that many parties violate the common ethics used in the internet and also in the society. Hackers and crackers try to break the security and steal the important information, spreading viruses and spams, threatening and theft can be considered as some computer related crime.To avoid such circumstances there should be proper governance and rules related to regulate the use of internet. But if the government and law enforcement authorities decided to establish laws and put up surveillance for every aspect of the internet the freedom of users will be it is a sensitive matter when it comes to the internet governance.
    The multi-stakeholder approach is recognized as the most favorable method to make sure that government ,civil society and the technical community take some part in the making of policies for the internet which are accountable, sustainable and a example ,decisions made in a multi-stakeholder forum are that these decisions impact a wide and distributed range of people and interests. Among various sectors and borders there are different rights and responsibilities and when taking decisions these factors will overlap and result in effective and fair policies. When making such policies different forms of expertise are needed to make a more justified decision.
    However I think that, internet governance should be multi-stakeholder including every citizen of the country such as women, differently abled persons, civil society and youth.

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  8. 16020669

    Internet Governance Forums should be multi-stakeholder

    Internet is not synonymous to world wide web. The internet is a massive network of a collection of networks, a networking infrastructure. Connecting millions of computers globally, the internet facilitates communication among computers as long as they’re both connected to the internet.

    Internet is used by about 3.2 billion people in the world and that is almost half of the world’s population. So in this majority there are people of all genders, races, abilities and etc. the internet allows people from all over the world to connect with each other without any restrictions and facilitates the freedom to convey personal opinions and judgements on an international platform. And in that way the internet is very powerful and can even set the future of an entire nation by being able to sway elections in favor of the internet users. And therefore it is critical that there are just and effective regulations, policies and a vigilant body in place to govern the internet to avoid repulsive and despicable behaviour. And thus we see the Internet Governance Forum tirelessly working to achieve the goal of making the internet safe and just.

    The Internet Governance Forum (IGF) is a global multi-stakeholder platform that facilitates discussion of public policy issues pertaining to the internet, which was formally announced by the United Nations in July 2006. The necessity of the IGF being multistakeholder lies with the fact that the internet being governed by a single entity could fail to see the importance of internet to many other entities and so it is pivotal that the IGF consists of multiple stakeholders representing respective societies should it be a government, organization, people of different genders, sexual orientations, races, ethnicities, nationalities and many more. Because the role internet plays for each of these entities is drastically different.

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    3. 16020812
      So,Internet governance policies must be implemented so as to adapt to meet new challenges as the multi stakeholder approach allows us to protect and further develop the complex systems we rely on while allowing those systems to go on working.

  9. 16020103

    If we consider about the modern day technology, internet is the most important invention of all. The internet is the global system of interconnected computer networks that use the internet protocol suite to link devices all over the world. It consists of private, public, academic, business and government networks of local to global scope. By that modern man can connect to everything.
    There are many uses of internet. To communication, researches, education, financial transactions, be updated, entertainment, online bookings and for many more things internet can be useful. As the positive impacts, internet has negative impacts also. Because of that internet should be governed.
    Internet governance is the development and application of shared principles, norms, rules, decision making procedures and programs that shape the evolution and use of the internet. Internet governance forum is a multi-stakeholder forum for policy dialogue on issues of internet governance. It brings together all stakeholders in the internet governance debate whether they represent government, the private sector or civil society including the technical and academic community, on an equal basis and through an open and inclusive process.
    Why should the internet governance forum be multi-stakeholder? The multi-stakeholder approach has been used for everything. So the decisions they make impact a wide and distributed range of people. As the internet is evolving and the digital economies and societies that rely on it, it’s good to have expertise from different forms to meet new challenges. The harder and more interconnected the problem, the more multi-stakeholder the path to the solution needs to be. We can get better answers to global questions when arrange of experts and interests can meaningfully take part in the discussion.

  10. With the development of modern society Internet has become a powerful tool. As the modern society is so connected a behavioral pattern of a person can be measured from his digital foot print.
    . As Internet is not a property owned by any co-operation, it is unable to put up barriers or restrictions. Due to that many parties violate the common ethics used in the Internet and also in the society. Hackers and crackers try to break the security and steal the important information, spreading viruses and spams, threatening and theft can be considered as some computer related crime. To avoid such circumstances there should be proper governance and rules related to regulate the use of Internet. But if the government and law enforcement authorities decided to establish laws and put up surveillance for every aspect of the Internet the freedom of users will be violated. So it is a sensitive matter when it comes to the Internet governance.
    In a country like Sri Lanka laws and regulations are enforced by the parliament. The main problem with this system is most of the members in the parliament lack of technical expertise to understand the real situation. Therefore it is completely unfair for them to decide what should be done when it comes to the computer ethics. The common scenario is the parliament enforces laws against computer users after every incident related to a computer. With that they take away the freedom of users.
    But this can be avoided if citizens representing all the Internet users with different ethnicities, occupations and gender etc get together and decide what laws should be enforced and the effect of them. My personal opinion is, this procedure it will protect both the Internet user and their rights

  11. 16020758

    Internet Governance Forums should be multi-stakeholder

    Internet is the global system of interconnected computer networks that use the internet protocol suite to link devices. Internet governance is the development and application of shared principles, norms, rules, decision making process procedures and programs that shapes the evolution and use of the internet. No one person, organization, company or government owns the internet. It has become the most effective and convenient way of sharing ideas nowadays because it is free to use without any common restrictions. So there should be a way to govern internet in order to make this more useful and prevent outrageous things.
    Governance of this free tool should not be done by a specific single party because it will cause resentment to other parties. It defines that the rule or norm that creates by viewing from only one angle may not work for this type of public scenarios. There are many stakeholders that should take into consideration when governing internet such as government, business, civil society, technical community and so on. There are many reasons to emphasize that there should be a multi stakeholder approach in internet governance. Some of key factors are, the decision take by various stakeholders impact a wide and distributed range of people and interests. Also legitimacy and acceptance of decentralized decisions can directly impact implementation of internet effectively. Also it helps to overcome the clashes between different stakeholders and their rights when governing internet and also helps to build effective tool by overlapping rights and responsibilities of different stakeholders.
    The most important thing is select right experts of different stakeholders in this governing process to enhance this effective network more useful and there should be multi stakeholder approach to come up with optimal solutions and effective ideas in governing internet.

  12. 16020855

    Internet governance is the development and application of shared principles, norms, rules, decision-making procedures, and programs that shape the evolution and use of the Internet
    The Global Commission on Internet Governance’s one Internet report makes practical recommendations for the international community to ensure that the future of the internet remains open, secure, trust worthy and inclusive. The recommendations continue to gain traction on cyber security, multi stake holder governance and accessibility. CIGI is also conducting work on the future of the internet in china, and International economic law and Intellectual property law related to Internet commerce.
    How the internet is governed has been a question of considerable debate since its earliest days. Indeed, how diverse sets of stake holders collaborate to manage this important global resource has an impact on the Internet as a trusted global platform for innovation, creativity, and freedom of expression. The Internet is a decentralized networks & those who rely on it help to define its policies.
    While the Internet evolved from a number of government funded research projects, individuals from universities and private sector organizations led most of its early development. Since these early beginnings management of the Internet and global Internet resources.(Eg- the Domain Name System) has relied heavily upon bottom-up coordination and direct participation by those interested in and impacted by related decisions.
    Over the Years this decentralized and community-driven management approach has supported the tremendous growth and innovation that has defined internet’s success and reflects the early design choices of the technical community in the adoption and implementation of Internet Standards.
    Internet governance is characterized by a diversity of actors, issues and processes that interact and overlap across jurisdictions. Effective collaboration in this context needs to overcome a number of challenges. Navigating decentralized process, Role of government, Complexity of Issues etc.
    Internet Governance is including women, differently abled people, civil society & youth, not only policy makers, academia, technical etc

  13. 16020987

    Internet governance is the development and application of shared principles, norms, rules, decision making procedures and programs that shape the evolution of the internet. This has been a critical task nowadays since some information in the internet is unethical because internet is open, distributed, interconnected and transnational. So, anyone can upload anything to the internet without anyone’s permission and almost anyone can reach to those information. Internet governance means evolving policies and mechanisms under which the internet community’s many stakeholders make decisions on how to develop the use of internet in a more ethical way. Just as the internet is developing and widely using, multi stakeholder approach must adapt to meet new challenges in governing internet.
    However internet governance forum is multi stakeholder forum for discussing about issues on internet usage. Nowadays internet is used by almost everyone. There is no age limit or geographical boundary to use internet as there are any kind of information which can be ethical or unethical as their perspectives. In this case, the ethical issues can arise. It depends on the culture and religion of a person I guess.
    The different sides of internet usage is the main topic which is discussed at the forum. That is a social issue and when discussing it, there should be ones who actually face those kinds of issues. That is the reason to approach multi stakeholder concept in forums. Specially, the women, differently abled people, civil society and youth, not only policy makers, academic, technical people should also get a special attention in these forums as to make the forum more productive and effective because in this variation I mentioned above there are every kind of people and can have different perspectives from different views. In order to have a better decision making process all of these stakeholders should get an equal chance.

  14. 16020091

    Internet governance can be explained as the development and application by governments, the private sector and civil society, in their respective roles, of shared principles, norms, rules, decision-making procedures, and programs that shape the evolution and use of the Internet. At the internet governance forum public policy issues related to the internet are discussed. The multi-stakeholder approach in internet governance brings together individuals, groups and organizations with a stake in the internet in order to co-operate in advancing policy and practice for its’ development in the global scale. The multi-stakeholder approach is recognized as the most favorable method to make sure that government, business, civil society and the technical community take some part in the making of policies for the internet which are accountable, sustainable and effective.
    There are few important point when discussing how including women, differently abled people, civil society and the youth among the policy makers, academia and technical users in internet governance can be more optimal. For example, decisions made in a multistakeholder forum are that these decisions impact a wide and distributed range of people and interests. Among various sectors and borders there are different rights and responsibilities and when taking decisions these factors will overlap and result in effective and fair policies. When making such policies different forms of expertise are needed to make a more justified decision. Also legitimacy and acceptance of decentralized decisions can directly impact implementation. These methods allow us to protect and further develop systems we rely on while allowing those systems to go on working.
    As mentioned before when organizations are handling internet governance matters, they should always implement multi-stakeholder to come up with an effective and the optimal decision even though some conflicts will arise during the process.

  15. 16020065

    Internet is the very essential things to our daily life. Now a days human can live without food, but no one is ready to live without internet. Early days of internet was mailing and later year with social media’s introduction it came daily need stage. In Srilanka telecom service providers are investing billions of money on data services. Through the internet we have many benefits as well as dangerous things. If we can have good management on internet, then we could guide our society on right path of success via internet.
    The historic and future success of the internet as an open and trusted platform for innovation and empowerment depends on a decentralized, collaborative, and multistakeholder approach to internet governance. The internet governance is how diverse sets of stakeholders collaborate to manage this important global resource has an impact on the nature of the internet as a trusted global platform for innovation, creativity, and freedom of expression. The internet is a decentralized network of networks and those who rely on it help to define its policies.
    The multistakeholder model has a proven key to the development of the internet. In addition to being increasingly adopted at an institutional level by bodies. In areas such as security, privacy, connectivity, and human rights, it is clear that no single viewpoint can solve borderless and multidimensional issues. Instead, a more collaborative, multistakeholder approach used to tackle global internet-related issues, such as security ones on spam and botnets, is rapidly becoming a best practice.
    The early days the development and application by governments, the private sector, and civil society in their respective roles of shared principles, norms, rules, decision making procedures, and programs that shape the evolution and use of the internet. This is recognizes the roles and responsibilities of each stakeholder group and emphasizes the importance of collaboration when seeking solutions for the benefit of internet growth and development. So internet governance should be multistakeholder.

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    2. 16020405 - multistakeholder approach might cause certain security and privacy issues according to my point of view.

  16. 16020642

    The Internet Governance Forum is a place for share information about Internet Governance. The Internet Governance Forum informs those with policy-making power in the public and private sectors while there is no negotiated outcome. Deputies discuss, exchange information and share good practices in their annual meeting. The internet governance provides a space for common understanding of how to increase internet opportunities and address risks and challenges that people have to face.
    Most principles, norms, rules, decision making procedures and programs are usually made by policy makers, government, academia, technical etc. In the Internet Governance Forum, many policy makers are male. Therefore the policies, norms and rules those are made by policy makers related to their ideas and choices. In the world we can classify people under mainly four categories. They are women, differently able people, civil society and youth. These four categories may have various ideas about internet governance and we should give a chance for them to present their ideas in the Internet Governance Forum.
    For example, when we are talking about “Safer Internet” women and youth need more safe than others when they are using the internet. Sometimes it doesn’t present by usual policy makers, academia or technical people in the internet because sometimes they don’t know how women and youth hope safe when they are using the internet. If women and youth can represent their ideas how they need safe then internet policies can be made policies as they wish. Also differently able people may be need special methods for using internet. They may have different needs and sometimes it doesn’t understand to others. If they get a chance to represent their ideas they can be get new methods to use internet in new ways.
    Considering above facts, I think Internet Governance Forum should be multi stakeholders.

  17. 16020219

    Internet Governance can be defined as the evolving policies and mechanisms under which the Internet community's many stakeholders make decisions about the development and use of the Internet. Common perception is that the Internet has no governing body. This is only true to a certain extent. At the United Nations sponsored World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) held in 2005, the Internet Governance Forum (IGF) was established to open an ongoing, non-binding conversation among multiple stakeholders about the future of Internet governance.
    Currently most of the governing of the Internet is done by organization like Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), governments and other policy makers. But Internet is a resource used by everyone irrespective of their nationality, race, religion, gender etc. Therefore in order to have proper governing of it, the IGF should include women, differently abled people, civil society and youth. Even though roughly half of the world population is female, the involvement of women in policy making in tech or IT sector is still limited. Increasing the involvement of women in Internet Governance Forum would only make it more fair and ethical.
    Differently abled people have their own problems when using the Internet. Therefore they should be included when making policies in order to have a different perspective. Young People or the ones called Millennials use the Internet daily more than any other focus group. They also have a more idealistic view of the world. Therefore their opinions and voices should be heard more in Internet Governance Forums in order to have a better Internet for the future generations. Finally I think that making Internet Governance Forums multi-stakeholder and including everyone in the decision making process is beneficial for the society.

  18. 16020243

    Internet Governance Forums should be multi-stakeholder

    Internet governance is the complementary development and application by governments, the private sector, civil society and the technical community, in their respective roles, of shared principles, rules, norms, decision-making procedures, and tasks that shape the evolution and use of the Internet. Internet is not a private property, everyone can share that what they want to do with the internet. For this case there is a risk in the internet. Some of the activities and the information is not ethical and not good. So internet governance is essential for make a good environment for the people who use internet. So that The multi-stakeholder approach in internet governance brings together individuals, groups and organizations with a stake in the internet in order to co-operate in advancing policy and practice for its development in the global scale. The multi-stakeholder approach is recognized as the most effective method to make sure that government, business, civil society and the technical community take some part to making of policies for the internet which are accountable, reliable and effective.
    There also very important facts to show that how women, differently abled people, civil society, academia and technical users In the internet have a right to join and make rules and share their opinions for make internet governance. Their decisions and ideas may help to think about in different ways when we are using internet. So as human we all have a right to handle this internet and figure it out how it is going on. So this case I think this internet governance forums should be multi-stakeholder. Then we can take all the ideas and decisions for make and produce a good internet service for all of us.

    1. 16020405 - It is true that internet governance should be multistakeholder and represent all the levels of the society but letting every human take under-control of it might make it less efficient and it might cause various problems.

  19. 16020342

    Internet Governance Forum should be multi-stake holder

    Internet governance simply refers to the process that impact how the internet is managed. By definition, Internet governance means, development and application of shared principles, norms, rules, decision making procedures and programs that shape the evolution and use of internet.
    As the internet is open, distributed, interconnected and transnational, it can be accessed by anyone at anytime, as well anyone can upload anything to internet without anyone’s permission. Also the internet has become the major part in our lives, where we have become the dependents of internet.
    Internet replaced all our manual activities. And it’s used by all kinds of people without any age limit. As it is not a property owned by any corporation, we cannot put barriers or restriction to internet. So the ethics are violated and security of information is not protected. So it’s very important to control and manage the use of internet.
    But at the same time if government put up surveillance for the usage of internet, the freedom of users will be violated. So the multi-stakeholder approach is considered to be the favourable method for internet governance.
    Internet governance forum is held annually at different locations and the different sides of internet usage are mainly discussed. When discussing such issues the related people should be there. So that’s the reason to approach multi-stakeholder concept in forums. Specially the women, differently abled people, civil society and youth, not only policy makers, academia, technical people should also get special attention. So the discussions will be accountable, sustainable, productive and more effective as different views are given by these different groups of stakeholders.

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  21. 16020197

    Internet Governance should be multi-stakeholders

    Internet in internet governance has increased steadily from the creation of the ICANN(Internet Corporation for assigned Names & Numbers) in 1998. A working definition of internet governance is the development and application by government, the private sector and civil society, in their respective roles of shared principles, norms, rules, decision-making procedures and programs that shape the evolution and use of the internet.
    The multi-stakeholder model is now widely touted as the internet governance model of choice. Given the prominence that multi stakeholder internet governance has assumed, it is important to understand what the concept means explore its strengths & weaknesses, and understand how best to implement it. This multi-stakeholder governance term came into use in the internet world around in 2004 by “Markus Kummer”. He said that “Involves the full involvement of all stakeholders, consensus-based decision-making and operating in an open, transparent and accountable manner”.
    The multi-stakeholder approach is a toolbox, not a single solution. Individuals and organizations from different realms participating alongside each other to share ideas or develop consensus policy. The multi stakeholder approach a=has been used for everything from allocating fair fishing rights to digitizing land registries to developing a code of ethics for an international organization. It works best on issues where decisions impact a wide and distributed range of people and interests, when there are overlapping rights and responsibilities across sectors and borders, different forms of expertise are needed. Such as technical expertise and Legitimacy and acceptance of decisions directly impact implementation. The multi-stakeholder approach allows us to protect and further develop the complex systems we rely on while allowing those systems to go on working.
    The multi-stakeholder decision making started as a form of collective decision making that allowed the internet to evolve. It is a driving day-to-day work and strategic direction in what we used to think of as largely intergovernmental decision making bodies. But this approach itself is evolving and need to continue evolving. Academic research has identified many ways in which multi-stakeholder decision making can and should evolve. So it is the high time we put that into practice.

  22. 16020952

    “Internet Governance Forums should be multi-stakeholder”

    The Internet Governance Forums are forums which is there to discuss and debate on issues of Internet Governance. Internet Governance is the improvement and use of shared principles, standards, rules, decision making procedures and programs that shape the evolution of the internet and the usage of the Internet. In reality, the internet is not owned by anyone and nobody runs the internet. It is a globally distributed network which is consist with vast number of networks. Even though we pay a price to access the internet, the price goes to the Internet Service Providers who facilitates us with the internet connectivity, however they cannot control or govern the internet.
    Internet Governance Forums discuss the issues of malpractices using the internet and they discuss the advantages and disadvantages of governing the internet hoping for a better usage of the internet. However, internet governance forums should be multi-stakeholder including women, differently-able people, civil society and youth, not only the policy makers, academia, and technical. There are several reasons behind this. If the policy makers of the internet governance are only technical people, they would misinterpret general internet users’ needs and the governed internet might not meet the satisfaction of average internet users. In addition, if the governments would control internet, the first thing they would do is limiting the freedom of speech, then they will eventually ban almost everything under the name of laws and constitutions. Moreover, if the internet governance is done by private parties like huge multinational corporations, it would be catastrophic and the users will be under the influence of these powerful multinational corporations. Therefore, the internet governance forums should be comprised with everybody. Therefore, everybody has a say in governing the internet, since the internet is not a property of anybody…

  23. 16020383

    Internet is a technology which is used around the world by everyone. It is used for day to day activities, business purposes, educational purposes, etc. becoming a major part in our lives. So it is a must to control and manage the internet.
    Interent is not owned by anyone. Therefore, putting up restrictions to internet is hard. Hance, many parties tend to violate the ethics in using internet. Hackers and crakers trying to steal information, spreading viruses and spams are computer related crimes which must be avoided by governing the internet properly. In most cases, laws for Internet Governance is enacted by the Parliament and they might not possess enough knowledge to understand the circumstances and act accordingly which might lead to violation of freedom of internet users worldwide. Therefore, Internet Governance Forums should be multistakeholder. Not only policymakers, academia and people with technical expertise but also women, differently abled people, civil society should be given the rights to express their views so that we can look through their perspectives too. The youth could also actively participate in these forums for decision making because they associate internet the most.
    As people using the internet everyone from different aspects should be given the fair chance to express their ideas to get a broad picture and contribute in order to make the internet a better place to be in. Therefore, I think making Internet Governance Forums multistakeholder would be more fairer and ethical.

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  25. 16020871

    Internet is worldwide network who can access from any area of the world freely. There are 3.2 billion people use internet daily. Internet usage is rapidly growing day by day. different kind of internet users are using internet all over the world. So, it is must to form internet policies to control the internet usage.
    'Internet Governance' covers a broad range of subjects like public policies, technical administration. Many policies are set of national and international regulations. But there
    are some difficulties in agreeing many rules globally?
    There are wide range of organizations like ISOC (the Internet society), ITU (the International Telecommunications Union), the World Wide Web Consortium involved in the
    international administration of the internet.
    Internet Governance should be multi stake-holders. The multi stakeholder model of internet governance is the best mechanism for secure of internet. Different kind of internet users face different kind of internet issues including crime and security, civil liberties and increasing access. And also, there are many advantages as well as many disadvantages of using internet. It is the responsibility of all people who are using internet is to choose
    right from the wrong. As the internet becomes more internationalized, it's governancestructures are likely to change.
    Internet is widely use in so many different fields like business field, war, academic activities, private sectors, health sector etc. So, it's better to involve every citizen in country to form internet laws. such as youth, women, differently abled people. There's no owner for the internet. Because of that we have to use internet wisely. So, all the users of internet should get the responsibility of the Internet Governance to protect the freedom of using internet.

  26. 16020121


    Internet governance is the development and application of shared principles, norms, rules, decision making procedures and programs that shape the evolution of the internet. Internet governance can be explained as the development and application by governments, the private sector and civil society, in their respective roles, of shared principles, norms, rules, decision-making procedures, and programs that shape the evolution and use of the Internet. At the internet governance forum public policy issues related to the internet are discussed. The Internet Governance Forum is a place for share information about Internet Governance. The Internet Governance Forum informs those with policy-making power in the public and private sectors while there is no negotiated outcome. Deputies discuss, exchange information and share good practices in their annual meeting. The internet governance provides a space for common understanding of how to increase internet opportunities and address risks and challenges that people have to face.
    Most principles, norms, rules, decision making procedures and programs are usually made by policy makers, government, academia, technical etc. In the Internet Governance Forum, many policy makers are male. Therefore the policies, norms and rules those are made by policy makers related to their ideas and choices. Differently abled people have their own problems when using the Internet. Therefore they should be included when making policies in order to have a different perspective. Young People or the ones called Millennials use the Internet daily more than any other focus group. They also have a more idealistic view of the world. Their decisions and ideas may help to think about in different ways when we are using internet. So as human we all have a right to handle this internet and figure it out how it is going on. Their decisions and ideas may help to think about in different ways when we are using internet. So as human we all have a right to handle this internet and figure it out how it is going on.

  27. 16020202

    The internet has revolution in many sectors of our society. It is the most important infrastructure of the information age, influencing politics, economics, and culture. As the internet has spread globally its economic, political, and cultural influences have is necessary to develop appropriate policies to govern the internet.
    Internet governance is the development and application of shared principals, norms, rules decision making, procedures and programs that shape the evolution and use of the internet.
    The internet society s’ moto is “the internet is for everyone”, Reflecting the belief that access to the internet is a fundamental public policy issue apart from access to infrastructure and equipment accessibility depends on making physical devices and online services useful to everyone.
    It is very important to include gender issues in internet governance. Today the representation of women in IT sector has been increased almost equal to men even though there are both pros and cons in being a woman Techni. Women face many problems, difficulties and obstacles when they are reaching up to the higher levels in IT industry. women s’ internet governance forum is the platform to raise the voice of the woman of their concern, look for answers and get the attention of the community in this regard.
    For persons with disabilities, accessibility means being able to use a product or service as effectively as a person without a disability. this means using inclusive design principals to make products and services usable by a wider section of the population. persons with disabilities face many different barriers in the IT field. through removing these barriers persons with disabilities will be better able to use and contribute to the richness of the internet by participating independently in the communities of their choice.
    So, these changes to the way the internet is governed could result in increasing curbs to online freedom. this also affects on other human rights.

  28. 16020251

    Internet governance should be multi stakeholder

    The free and unlimited resource Internet have a huge power over everything. Each and every knowledge even the darkest knowledge is in Internet and can be accessible by anyone. It is common understanding that the Internet should be governed or otherwise it will lead to a huge disaster. The topic to discuss is the governance who govern the Internet should include everyone and its known as multi stakeholder Internet governance.
    Everyone can be a participant to Internet governance through Internet governing forms ( IGF ). The challenge of bridging the gap that separates those who are well informed and have the resources to participate in Internet governance fora on one side, and those who have neither the resources nor the awareness (but may have the expertise in related areas of activism), can only be met if coordinated efforts are conducted. Stakeholders including users, internet service providers, technical parties, governments and the civil society represents should be participants of this governing.
    Internet should have restrictions. It have many knowledge and anyone can access it. No doubt that the information ones access could be harmful and not by willingly, they may become a hostage of dark knowledge. The Internet has in a relatively short time,become on essential instrument for today's society. A major social impact in education,health,government and other areas of activity. Therefore cyber crime such as fraud,gambling ,pornography,ID theft,misuse and abuse in the form of malicious code and Spam has spread around. The growing awareness of the social,economic and political import of the Internet on society has brought the question of Internet Governance into a chapter
    In conclusion governing the Internet should be a concern of each and every user of it and its their responsibility to be participants and governing should be everyone's concern not by few rulers and governments. Invention of new policies and restrictions should included ever Internet user and their representation need to be valued.

  29. 16020677
    Internet governance should be multi stakeholder.
    The Internet is a free resources that every human begin can access the unlimited resources of knowledge and it's free for all. It have all the knowledge on everything and everyone. Their is no restriction on who can access which information and weather it's appropriate for the user or not. No doubt that their should be policies and restrictions on fraud, gambling, photography, etc.
    Internet is a free resources and whats in their can be accessible by anyone. Now it races a question regarding intellectual properties and not giving credit to the actual contribution. And also harmful usage of Internet must be restricted and it leads to Internet governing. Many people don't like to loose their one and only resources and controlled by someones else. Thats the place where multi stakeholder Internet governing becomes important. Nowadays the Internet is governed by few non profitable organizations. But it is not practical to control large amount of people by a considerably a very few number of people. And their idea of write ans wrong is the barrier among a valued resources and the people who owns it. Their is no owner for Internet and at the same time, each and everyone who use it is an owner of it. And the are the true and most important stakeholder in Internet and they are infect the less concerned participants in Internet governing.
    Internet governing stakeholders include governments, technical people, nonprofit organization who are interesting in the behalf of safe Internet using and represents of civil society. The party who should participate in Internet governing is the single user and that single user is the least concern of governing parties who are currently in control of Internet.
    The right of knowing information is everyone's right and the only way of gaining information is the Internet. Controlling it is a huge impact on the society and it may reflect on transparency and contradiction. So that its our responsible to participant on forms and pay our utter attestation to whats going around because internee is our resource and its our responsibility which we each and everyone hold on our shoulder.

  30. 16020537

    The Internet is a worldwide network of billions of computers and other electronic devices. So in today, the Internet is a using public section, and nonpublic section to do their daily basis works. So there are millions of people globally using the internet to do their day today works.
    Internet governance is making policies and mechanisms under which the Internet societies’ many stakeholders take decisions about the development and use of the Internet. In other word it is about making strict and regulations to using the internet and other internet related activities.
    According to here,there are so many participants spread in worldwide so internet governance is a huge subject. So In the internet we all are the owners. It’s because internet is built on set of every private internet single users. So when we talk about this topic we should be consider about the all global people who use the internet and other related activities.
    They are men, women, differently abled people, civil society and youth, policymakers, academia, technical people, Children etc. When we move to the internet con and pros. Pros are ok because it’s only effects for positive side. But when we think about cons it will be effects for negatively for every internet users. Due to that it is very good thing that if any party can minimize the cons of the using internet. It can be government, policymakers, an organization or anything. But it’s not good if the internet control the one party or severally unreasonably. Because it can be violates the people rights.
    If anyone tries to do that, that committee should be considering about all the facts that relating to this subject. Otherwise these regulations must be failure. So I think there should be opportunity to express their ideas freely. Due to that, I think it’s more ethical and tolerant making Internet Governance Forums multistakeholder .

  31. 16020529

    The Global Commission on Internet Governance’s one Internet report makes practical recommendations for the internet community to ensure that the future of the Internet remains open, secure trustworthy and inclusive. The recommendations continue to gain traction on cyber security, multi-stakeholder governance and accessibility. Internet Governance is the development and application of shared principles, norms, rules, decision-making procedures, and programs that shape the evolution and use of the Internet.
    Multi stakeholders are the participants who participate in the dialogue, decision making, and implementation of solution to common problems or goals. No one person, company, organization or government runs the Internet. It is a globally distributed network comprising many voluntarily interconnected autonomous networks. It operates without a central governing body with each constituent network setting and enforcing its own policies. Its governance is conducted by a decentralized and international multi stakeholder network of interconnected autonomous group drawing from civil society, the private sector, governments, the academic and research communities and national and international organization. They work cooperatively from their respective roles to create shared policies and standards that maintain the internet’s global interoperability for the public good.
    Internet is an example for the world wide web network. Because of that all the people in the world they use internet for their day today works. Today internet is used for different purposes depending upon the requirements. At the moment the easiest thing can be done using the internet is that we can communicate with the people living far away from us with extreme ease. Earlier the communication used to be a daunting task but all that chanced once internet came into the life of the common people. Now people can not only chat but can also do the video conferencing. Communication is the most important gift that the internet has given to the common man. According to those cases internet ruled by all the people in the world. Because Internet do not have a real honor. So that Internet governance should be multi stakeholders.

  32. 16020499

    Internet governance describe how the Internet is currently governed, some of the controversies that occurred along the way, and the ongoing debates about how the Internet should or should not govern in the future.
    Internet is link up with each sector such as when we take health sector e channeling is a new technique and Internet is link up with the e commerce so that provide many benefits to the users like online transactions. So People became dependents of the Internet.
    Though nowadays Internet is more effectively used by each and every one, some people tend to use it unethically which the world lead to the worst side of the use of Internet. Today there are many problems occurred as a result of Internet. Cybercrimes are the rising problem of the new era. Internet is a globally distributed network which operates without a central governing body. So there should be a way to control and avoid problems which cause miss use of Internet.
    So Internet governance became a must to have in order to protect the ethical rights of every one. To continue this there is a governance forum annually in a pre-decides location. This will need to continue then the real value and the quality of the Internet will exist.
    My idea is it is important to have the participation of all multi stake holders such as not only policymakers, academia, technical but also women, differently able people, civil society and youth.. These avoiding people also should aware about internet as well as governance program me but it is important to have most suitable stakeholders as participations in the forum to get a more meaningful outcome then only the process of governance will be more reliable and effective than the previous participations.

  33. 16020448
    Internet Governance Forums should be multi-stakeholders

    Internet has no owner and also it has no boundaries or control. So internet is a widely distributed network. Internet includes many more things like private, academia, technical and much information about world.
    Internet governance is making and develops of the principles, norms, rules, decision making procedures. Therefore many people around the world are fighting to protect the internet. Internet governance should be clear, more transparency, more freedom, shared ownership and privacy. To make progress on Internet governance it should include various stakeholders in the Working Group on Internet Governance So it should represent variety people in the world like women, differently abled people, civil society and youth, not only policy makers, academia, technical people etc. Internet governance forum should include youth generation because they have new ideas, they follow new technologies, they are the part of the developed world and they are the most frequent users of the internet more than any other people. Young generation can actually add new, different and valuable ideas to the internet governance. Civil society is the key role of the society. So there opinions are also important. Good governance is the important element of internet governance forum. Without good governance, the rule of law, respect for human rights, and democracy can’t control the internet. There is more academic information in the internet. so that fact must be true and accurate. So academicals people must be represent the internet governance forum. Women’s representation should improve. If women participation will increase they can give their ideas. So it can help to build the internet safety. And also different able people face lot of problems in the IT field. So they should participate to internet governance forum. So these multi-stakeholders can make the internet safer.

  34. 16020286

    Internet governance forums should be multi-stakeholder

    World Wide Web or the most common term ‘internet’ is one of the basic elements of everything in between the range starting from mobile phone to gigantic projects like NASA space shuttle programs. Well, it clearly conveys that nothing is possible today without internet. According to the 2016 reports about internet users, 47% of the world population use internet for their daily activities. But this population is not using internet for a single purpose, there are millions of them, they do not use internet for ethical activities always, they might use dark web for various harmful purposes and simply millions of problems may occur if there is not a proper way of controlling the activities going on in the internet. You may get a draft idea if you think of a family of 4 members, how they act, how their desires are satisfied, how they are controlled.
    But the problem is there is no one exact person or institute like parents of a family to control and decide how the internet and users act accordingly. And all the users (a few billions of people) are stakeholders by their selves. They have their own concerns, own desires and own criticisms. All these stakeholders should be satisfied if their purposes are not harmful. That is a basic quality of good governance. So the governance is decentralized and civil society, public sector, private sector, governments, research communities, various organizations work corporately from their respective roles to create shared policies and standards to maintain the internet in a better way for the vast community. The mentioned fact is reflected by the Internet Governance Forum (IGF) which is a multi-stakeholder forum responsible for issues of the internet governance. The establishment of the IGF is officially announced in 2006 by the secretary general of UN and meetings are annually held since 2006.
    Stakeholders are the people or communities which has a interest or involvement in a certain business, activity or organization. When considering such forums like IGF, they should be act according to most of the peoples’ betterment (according to the desires of stakeholders). And they should be social friendly and ethical. Being ethical is not being loyal; it is about doing the right and the best thing to do. Sometimes ethics are differed from nation to nation. So in these forums, every nation who has owns ethics, cultures and rituals should be given the priorities. And sometimes some rules may be strict in one country while no such rules in other countries, for example drugs and pornography. These aspects also are considered. That tells participation of every country for IGF is useful. And we know that social media for doing business is a good involvement in modern society, but it might be restricted in a certain country and this will be a reason for the decline of business in that country. So this fact should be discussed with the business community of such countries. No of the social and public agencies, organizations, companies, governments, private sector and most of those communities who interfere with internet could not be neglected. So being multi-stakeholder is the best option which makes a better result to IGF.

  35. Lanka Rathnayaka
    Internet Governance Forums should be Multi-stakeholder

    Internet is the global system of interconnected computer networks. With internet world has become more globalized and smaller.Because of that there are a huge number of data stored and transferring on the internet.So the internet is owned by every one’s data and the decisions that take behalf of the internet affect almost every one.

    The world’s most valuable resource is no longer oil.It’s DATA.To get the accurate decisions of the business,MArketing plans,Stock exchange predictions all derive on data.So it is must to have the governance of the internet so that the valuable data may not misuse.
    Internet Governance can be defined as the evolving policies and mechanisms under which the internet community’s make decisions about the development and use of the internet.As internet is used by almost every one, the decisions that take on internet governance should be made through multi stakeholder governance model.
    The multi stakeholder governance model is a governance structure that seeks to bring stakeholders together to participate in the dialogue,decision making, and implementation of solutions to common problems or goals
    Not only the policymakers,academia and technical guys but also women,differently abled people,civil society and youth all should get involved in taking decisions to govern the internet.
    Without the influence of every one the actions that may take place fill effect the privacy of some people in a negative way.The story of Edward snowden highly proves this fact.He revealed that how the NSA used numerous global surveillance programs that was run by by NSA which affected the privacy of the citizens in a very bad way.Those kind of programmes still run on the internet.And all the users are in a kind of privacy threats.hose issues can be reduced if we could use force the decision makers.So that there is a strong voice from the every part of the society in Internet governance forums.

  36. 16020911

    Internet Governance Forums should be multistakeholder

    Internet Governance is the development and application by governments, the private sector and civil society in their respective roles, of shared principles, norms, rules, decision making procedures and programmes that shape the evolution and use of the internet.
    Determines how the internet is managed and used now and in the future. Outcomes are many effect all stakeholders. The internet is seen as a global force, an ecosystem. The many implications have economic, social and political. The best practice forum agreed on definitions for stakeholders and multistakeholder mechanisms stakeholders were defined as interested individuals or groups while the mechanism is seen as an iterative, open, known, accessible, transparent process, balanced among stakeholders who are seeking rough consensus.
    Our starting point is within a women’s rights framework. And our interest is role of technology and internet in realizing women’s rights. And some of our work in response to this is of course, the whole area of policy development and looking at what some of the forms are suggested that we can take. But the other is around raising awareness and capacity building among women around their use of technology.
    Participating students and youth were particularly interested in the discussions on basic safety techniques related to data shared online, harassment on social media, disability access, and the politics of how internet policy is made and managed. The forum is an important venue for understanding and addressing issues online that can mirror issues that youth and other vulnerable populations have experienced in real life as well.
    To develop a shared understanding of youth participation in Internet governance and analyses the achievements and pitfall of current youth participation in these processes. To critically review the ways youth participation in Internet Governance is reflected in youth policy. Because internet governance forums should be multistakeholder.

  37. 16020596
    internet governance forums should be multistakeholder

    history of the internet begins with the develeopment of electronic computers .in 1950s wide area networking originated in computer labs that are in united states and with the origin of the arpanet project and its development towards the present we all know there are no owners for the internet .there are service providers and they charge from tge customers to maintain the internet infrastructure.internet presents an exceptional platform where users can share as well as extract a wide variety of informations.although we receives lot of benifits from accessing the web and the internet there are some bad things too.although we think that our privacy is protected when accessing internet our digital footprints were tracked .details of us were stored .some of the issues regarding internet are threats from cyber criminals .online data breaches.thats where cyber securit comes in tothe a result of those issues internet governance forums came into the stage.the next problem arrives is to whoom and by whoom .as the internet is used by lots of people all around the world by different nations different religions everyone should have access to those the internet has no owners and it should given the equal right for all the people to participate in the forums.all the users have the same right to express their ideas.and thats why the internet governance forums should be multistakeholder

  38. 16020782

    “Internet Governance Forums should be multi-stakeholder”

    Internet governance can be introduced as the complementary and application by governments , the private sector , civil society and the technical community , in their respective roles , of shared principles , norms , rules , decision-making procedures , and activities that shape the evolution and use of the internet. The Internet Governance Forum (IGF) is a discussion forum on matters relating to the administrative and policy questions surrounding the internet. It’s important is; determines how the internet is managed and used now and in the future.
    Maintain the security , stability , and resiliency of the internet , Support global interoperability and an open and collaborative architecture, Sustain permission-less innovation and widening access are some of internet policy goals. When accessing internet it’s not always secure our data and privacy. There will be hackers and unwanted things which can harm to our privacy. So that internet governance came up.
    Technology is developing day by day. So that people over the world are connected by the internet. We all know that there is no any specific owner for the internet. So that we can’t trust the information which are in internet. But not all the information.:). And also some information in the internet may cause in a bad way for the society. Because of that everyone who use the internet have to involve for the internet governance. Women can add some ideas and their suggestions for the internet governance with their experience. Differently abled people have their own problems and matters when using the internet. Therefore they can also involve for the internet governance. The youth in a society can make a large influence for the activities of the society. And also the ideas of the youth maybe very powerful. So that I think internet governance forums should be multi-stakeholder.

    1. 16020421

      “Internet Governance Forums should be multi stakeholder”

      The Internet Governance Forums is the first organization in Internet governance whose founding was explicitly based on the multi-stakeholder principle. The outcome document of WSIS stated that the Internet Governance Forums should ‘build on the complementary between all stakeholders involved’ in Internet governance, and it named them in line with the categories used throughout the WSIS process ‘governments, business entities, civil society and intergovernmental organizations’. Compared to the rather complex stakeholder constellation of ICANN, this classification appears rather clear-cut and simple. However, from the outset, the stakeholders expressed uneasiness and dissent about these categories. Civil society and the technical sector, for example, criticized the UN stakeholder taxonomy for misrepresenting them, and asked for separate categories. The classification scheme matters to the stakeholders because it determines the distribution of seats in various committees and on workshop panels, and, to some extent; it shapes their identity and voice in the public discourse on Internet governance.
      Multi-stakeholder representation literally counts with regard to the IGF programmer committee, the ‘Multi-Stakeholder Advisory Committee’ (MAG). The roughly 40 seats are supposed to reflect the stakeholders, the five world regions and also balance gender. As part of a trade-off negotiated between governments, 50% of the seats were claimed by governments, while the remaining 50% were to be equally divided among the stakeholder groups. To date, the composition of the MAG has involved complex arithmetic which has had to be carried out in stages. The final slate is a ‘black boxed’ result of consultations between the IGF secretariat and the UN headquarters. Considering itself under and, at times, misrepresented, civil society has called for more autonomy in the selection process. Yet, the contributing civil society groups are themselves only a small subset of all NGOs worldwide, which theoretically could nominate candidates for the MAG.
      With the increasing geographic and political diversity of the actors involved, the range of political positions is expanding, and by now requires careful balancing within and across the stakeholder groups. Right now, this appears to be a problem, particularly for civil society and governments, who are struggling with a broad range of opinions cutting across the formal stakeholder division. Similar to the situation within ICANN, the stakeholder categories overlap, and at times create boundary conflicts.
      The difficult match between the stakeholder taxonomy and the political spectrum in Internet governance is at odds with the basic idea of multi-stakeholders, which assumes that political positions can be aggregated along the lines of formal affiliations. A significant part of multi-stakeholder collaboration in the IGF is devoted to implementing the fiction of global representation through the never ending recreation of the stakeholder scheme.

  39. Internet governance forums should be multiskateholder.

    Internet governance can be defined as the rules, norms, principles, procedures, and programs that put by government to prevent the user from misusing internet and make discipline in using internet. Also World Summit on the Information Society defined internet governance as "the development and application by governments, the private sector and civil society, in their respective roles, of shared principles, norms, rules, decision-making procedures, and programs that shape the evolution and use of the internet." After inventing the internet, in 2003 government involved with internet governance.
    Internet governance forum is a thing that issues policies for internet governance. It was invented by the United Nations in 2005 and formally announced in 2006. And this has annual meeting since then.
    Internet Governance Forum should participate not only policy makers, academic staff and technical staff; but also women, civil society, differently-abled persons and youth. I think this forum should be multistakeholder forum because every person is different from another person. But at a level some people have same kind of need in a different way. Because of that every level of them should participate for the forum. Because every person in the world won’t be able to participate and it is not a practical thing to do. If that can be happen these internet governance policies will be effective more than now. If this has limited to the policy makers and all technical people there won’t be a big difference in there and they will implement policies in their point of view. And those policies might not be sense at all for some party and they will try to break it and go in their own way. But we can ignore all these problems if that governance policies should fit into all people in the world.

  40. This comment has been removed by the author.

  41. 16020881
    Internet governance forums should be multiskateholder.

    Internet governance can be defined as the rules, norms, principles, procedures, and programs that put by government to prevent the user from misusing internet and make discipline in using internet. Also World Summit on the Information Society defined internet governance as "the development and application by governments, the private sector and civil society, in their respective roles, of shared principles, norms, rules, decision-making procedures, and programs that shape the evolution and use of the internet." After inventing the internet, in 2003 government involved with internet governance.
    Internet governance forum is a thing that issues policies for internet governance. It was invented by the United Nations in 2005 and formally announced in 2006. And this has annual meeting since then.
    Internet Governance Forum should participate not only policy makers, academic staff and technical staff; but also women, civil society, differently-abled persons and youth. I think this forum should be multistakeholder forum because every person is different from another person. But at a level some people have same kind of need in a different way. Because of that every level of them should participate for the forum. Because every person in the world won’t be able to participate and it is not a practical thing to do. If that can be happen these internet governance policies will be effective more than now. If this has limited to the policy makers and all technical people there won’t be a big difference in there and they will implement policies in their point of view. And those policies might not be sense at all for some party and they will try to break it and go in their own way. But we can ignore all these problems if that governance policies should fit into all people in the world.

  42. 16020561

    Internet Governance Forums should be multi stakeholders

    Today technology is developing day by day. With the developing technology internet is founded as a fast way of communication. With the globalisation people in all over the world are connected by internet. As we all know internet hasn’t any specific owner. It often works around and beyond political boundaries. But there are service providers and policy makers who have built up rules and policies when using the internet.

    When accessing internet it’s not always secure our data and privacy. There will be hackers and unwanted things which can harm to our privacy. To overcome with these problems, internet governance came up. Internet Governance is the development and application of shared principles, norms, rules, decision making procedures and programs that shape the evolution and use of the internet. Internet governance forum is a place where the people can express their ideas to make internet governance policies.

    People who are living in the society are the ones who use the internet. Hence people have rights to control the things what happening through the internet. Users have fair rights to made and control rules of their own, when using the internet. But the rules and policies in internet are made by specific teams of people. But they aren’t representing the whole society. In my view of point that’s why internet governance should be multi stakeholders. We are living in a world with different types of people which have different ideas. So it’s important to represent each group of stakeholders in internet governance forum. It will help to reduce conflicts and arguments, in between internet policies and ideas of people. So those multi stakeholders should be including women, differently abled people, civil society and youth and also not only policy makers, academia , technical etc.

  43. 16020839
    Internet Governance Forums should be Multi stakeholders.
    Around the world more than three billion people are using internet to share information. Internet has become a major tool used to enhance our day today life and it has become woven to fabric of our lives. It is also being taken for granted as an infrastructure that will continue to progress and support local and global objectives. And when it comes to consider about the Governance of internet, there are multilateral options. Here we going to talk about the best option among them; and it is Multi stakeholders.
    Internet governance refers to process that impact how internet is managed. It works not because of government mandate or intergovernmental agreements rather it works because it is open , inclusive collaborative & transparent. Multi stakeholder approach means that everyone who has a stake in the future of internet needs to have a voice in how it’s run. Not only the policy makers, academia and technicians should be given the chance to engage in governing, but also it should include every category such as women , differently abled people, civil society and young generation in order to be multilateral , transparent and democratic.
    Most probably, as always happens, only the authorized persons and powerful people engage in creating rules and governing internet. It is not a flexible solution because different varieties of users use internet for varies purposes and they should be given chance to engage in governing in their own way to make internet more appropriate and useful for everybody. Nobody will understand the situation of anyone rather than someone in the same position. So in order to satisfy everyone’s requirements , all types of governors like women , disabled people, youth should be included in internet governanace.

  44. This comment has been removed by the author.

  45. This comment has been removed by the author.

  46. This comment has been removed by the author.

  47. Index_no:16020652
    “Internet Governance Forums should be multi stakeholders”
    Internet Governance Forums like authority bodies are established all over the world to control the unethical practices of internet users. Internet Governance is the development and application by government sector, private sector and civil society, in their respective roles, of shared principles, rules, norms and programs that shape the evolution and use of the Internet.
    Normally policymakers, academia and technical people are the authorized people who involving in internet governance. Not only them but also participation of women, youth and differently abled people in internet governance is really important. Because those responsible officers may don’t know the each and every problem which arise when using the internet.
    When it comes to women, they are the people who always face majority who suffer from unethical practice of the internet and Majority of the internet users are in young age. So they have a lot of experiences of cybercrimes they have faced and good understanding about the difficulties they have to face. Therefore we must give priority to youth and women when making policies against cybercrimes and other unethical practices. Disabled people’s needs and difficulties are different from normal users. So when making policies we must listen their ideas and needs.
    My opinion is Internet governance forums should be multi stakeholders. Because difficulties faced by the people are different from each other and few authorized people can’t prepare policies to cover all those difficulties.. Therefore it will be very effective and useful, people who face the difficulties when using the internet can make policies against those difficulties.

  48. Index Number- 16020359
    Internet Governance Forums should be Multi-stakeholder

    As the Internet grows increasingly central to the commerce and communication, the debate on Internet governance is likely to become more intense. The organizations that “govern” the internet are as a unique as the internet itself. The open, global, decentralized nature of the “network of networks” is reflected in the types of organization that help to direct its evolution and operation. As a one round table participant put it, the Internet grew up around a common culture of cooperation “coming together to solve problems”. The governing institution that emerged reflects that culture.
    According to my view multi stakeholder organization should be including not only policy makers but also women, differently able people, civil society, youth and so on. Besides it shouldn’t a manual or framework for organization. It should be open to anyone and have a free membership. Internet governance is a topic in need of simplification and refinement because the Internet is a global network. There are strong favors of multi stakeholder organization having a global focus and inclusiveness.
    Besides Multi stakeholder is an effective tool in internet governance for addressing legitimate, internet-related policy issues within specific terrorists, such as privacy, cyber security, and also developing internet based applications, norms and so on. There are so many advantages of governing internet by multi stakeholders. They are openness, transparency, accessibility, accountability and measurement, creditability, adequately resourced. Engagement with different stakeholders will reflect how real participation and power in the decision making process will be managed.
    Governing by multi stakeholders; limiting government and cooperate power, bringing the voice of users through civil society participation, and having technical stakeholders keep policy discussions centered on operational realities. Governments should understand the essential role of multi stakeholder organization to develop an effective internet governance strategy, role, operation of multi stakeholder organization must be better understood

  49. Index: - 16020227

    Internet Governance forums should be multi-stakeholder
    The growing complexity, significance of internet governance necessitates addressing the difficult issues that impact by the continued evolution of the global internet. Capturing these issues requires the role played by the intergovernmental, governmental stakeholders in collaboration with internet technical professionals, and private sector. Therefore it is essential to include women, differently able people, civil society and youth as multi-stakeholders in internet governance forums instead of the limited participation of policymakers, academia, and technical parties.
    Women face more problems in this stream than men as privacy is more important to them. To take care of the matter, the representation of women in the scenario is really necessary as it will protect the transparency of the decisions and solutions for the related matters. Differently able people are another crucial party who needs others attention and support to live a normal life. To realize the various difficulties they go through due to internet, their participation on internet governance should be a must. The youth is the prior when talking about internet. They will always be the ones who will explore the latest on internet and will try to embrace all things in internet as good. The awareness of the youth is very important today. Therefore the representation of youth in internet governance should be compulsory to educate them and to encourage them to follow new technology safely.
    As the normal community is the ones who face the worst situations due to those unethical internet activities, all kind of social platforms should get an equal chance to express their ideas and to add their opinions in the subject. Concealing the subject only to the authorized people will completely erase many of the valuable Dimensions of the problem and it may make the decision-making less transparent.

  50. 16020032
    Internet governance is an important topic that is discussed in this technological era. It is the development and application of shared principles, norms, rules, decision making procedures and programs that helps to improve the service of internet.
    The most discussion of internet governance is normative. Who should govern the internet? An argument is often advanced that no single nation or actor should control the internet. The internet is not a single technical system that can be governed in a rational-comprehensive way. It would be better described as a dynamic “ecosystem” or rapidly changing ecology of technical artifacts, people including the users.
    As we all know internet is used in wide range among the different age groups as well as the gender vise. Users are the ones who are aware of the bugs, issues or they are the ones who know what to change in order to make the internet, a better service provider. So rather than shifting the control to a single body, the users including women, civil society, policy makers, youth and differently abled people because common people won’t understand the needs of the disabled ones, should have the control.
    The future success of the internet as a trusted and open service provider depends on the collaborative efforts of Multi stakeholder. The general public should be approved to have their freedom in expressing their opinion in the internet governance forum. It would be innovative if the democratic policy is given in the governance of internet.
    The multi stakeholder approach is proven as the key in developing the internet. It will be effective in maintaining security, privacy, connectivity and human rights to a great extent. This approach will help to solve the global internet issues with the help of the opinions of people from different walks of life. So I would like to conclude saying that “internet governance forum should be multi stakeholder”.
    (300 – 305 words)

  51. 16020847

    The internet governance forum is a multistakeholders forum for policy dialogue on issues of internet governance. It brings together all stakholders in the internet governance debate, whether they represent goverments, the private sector or civil society, including the technical and academic community, on an equal basis and through an open and inclusive process.
    The establishment of the IGH was formally announced by the united nations secretary general in july 2006. The internet governance forums should be multistakeholders not only policy makers but also women, differently able people, civil society and youth technical, academic ect..
    Grace Mutungu lawyer with a passion for internet governance, feels that there is generally lower meaningful participation of women in internet governance matters and that women’s must be points out that there has been capacity building conducted by such organization as the diplo foundation. And anyone who has a stake in the future of the internet can go and be heard. It was founded and operates on the principles of begin bottom-up, transparent and inclusive. And the internet society wishes to expand our work with everyone in the internet community to improving persons with disabilities access to the internet.
    Diverse sets of stakeholders collaborate to manage this important global resource has an impact on the nature of the internet as a trusted global platform for innovation, capacity, and freedom of expression. The internet is a decentralization networks of and those who rely on it help to define its policies.
    While the internet evolved from a number of government-funded research projects, individuals from universities and private sector organizations led most of its early development. Since these early beginnings, management of the internet and global internet resources(eg: the domain name system) has relied heavily upon bottom-up coordination and direct participation by those interested in and impacted by related decisions. The multi stakeholder model has proven key to development of the internet in addition to being increasingly adopted at an institutional development (OECD)

    1. So as you mention above if they could also give their own opinion and make decisions about internet governance it would be better.

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  53. This comment has been removed by the author.

  54. Index=16020962
    Internet Governance should be a multi stakeholder
    Internet governance can be defined as the evolving policies mechanisms under the Internet communities. Many stakeholders make decisions about the development & use of the Internet. The term Internet governance refers to the process that impact how the Internet is managed. World summit of the information society defined Internet governance as the development & application by governments the private sector and the public sector and civil society in their principles, norms, and rules of decision making procedures and programs that shape the evolution and use of the Internet. Internet has no owner and also it has no boundaries or control. So Internet is a widely distributed network. Internet includes many more things. The multi-stakeholder model has promoted freedom of expression, both online and off. It has ensured the Internet is a robust, open platform for innovation, investment, economic growth and the creation of wealth throughout the world, including in developing countries.
    The Internet Society has come up with a list of attributes for multi stakeholder decision-making. Internet Governance should be a multi stakeholder such as women, differently abled people, civil society and youth .multi stakeholder approach allow us to protect and further develop the complex system we rely on while allowing those system to go on working. It is good if those people have a right to join and make rules and share their opinions for make internet governance. Young generation is the active part of the they can be an active part of decision making. Nowadays internet violence is main problem of women in using internet. But there are proper and protect access to internet to share their ideas. Differently abled people have problem when they using internet.Other stakeholders can have different perspectives about information society. I think internet should be a multi stakeholder .then people can take all ideas and can produce a better internet service to all.

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  56. index no-16020545
    H.A.T. Madushika

    Internet governance forums should be multi-stakeholders

    The most common term “Internet” is one of the basic elements of everything in between the range starting from mobile phone to pace gigantic projects like NASA space shuttle programs. The most of the people in the world population use internet for their daily activities. There are millions of them they do not use internet for ethical activities always, they might use dark wed for various harmful purposes. You may get a draft idea if you think of a family of 4 members, how they act, how their desires are satisfied, how they are controlled.
    The problem is there is no one exact person or institute like parents of a family to control and decide how the internet and users act accordingly. And all the users are stakeholders by their selves. They have their own concerns, own desires and own criticisms. All these stakeholders should be satisfied if their purposes are not harmful. That is basic quality of good governance. So the governance is decentralized and civil society, public sector, governments, research communities, various organizations work corporately from their respective roles to create shared policies. The mentioned fact is reflected by the Internet governance Forum (IGF) which is a multi-stakeholder forum responsible for issues of the internet governance.
    Stakeholders are the people or communities which has a interest or involvement in a certain business, activity or organization. Sometimes ethics are differed from nation to nation. So in these forums, every nation who has owns ethics, cultures and rituals should be given the properties. And sometimes some rules may be strict in one country while no such rules in other counties. These aspects also are considered. That tells participation of every country for IGF is useful. Multi-stakeholder is the best option which makes a better result to IGF.

  57. 16020073
    The new technologies that are changing our world are not a panacea or a magic bullet. But they are, without doubt, enormously powerful tools for development. They create jobs. They are transforming education, health care, commerce, politics and more. They can help in the delivery of humanitarian assistance and even contribute to peace and security. Internet governance is the development and application by Governments, the private sector and civil society, in their respec4ve roles, of shared principles, norms, rules, decision making procedures, and programmes that shape the evolution and use of the Internet. Multistakeholder model of Internet governance is the best mechanism for maintaining an open, resilient, and secure Internet because, among other things, it is informed by a broad foundation of interested parties and governments arriving at consensus through a bottom-up process regarding policies affecting the underlying functioning of the Internet domain system. Today, much of the Internet’s infrastructure is operated across borders and by a range of different stakeholders. It is a complex but robust ecosystem where each part of the Internet can rely on many other parts working together but often independently. Nowadays internet is used by almost everyone. There is no age limit or geographical boundary to use internet as there are any kind of information which can be ethical or unethical as their perspectives. In this case, the ethical issues can arise. Hackers and crackers try to break the security and steal the important information, spreading viruses and spams, threatening and theft can be considered as some computer related crime. To avoid such circumstances there should be proper governance and rules related to regulate the use of Internet. So it is a sensitive matter when it comes to the Internet governance. Differently abled people have their own problems when using the Internet. Therefore they should be included when making .Now Youngsters use the Internet daily more than any other focus group. They also have a more idealistic view of the world. Therefore we should heard their opinions and voices.

  58. 16020431

    If we consider about the technical advancements of the modern world, internet can be considered as the most useful invention. Almost all the activities of modern man is connected to the internet in the same way, with the evolution of internet new concepts like IOT have arisen. So with the internet the life is getting easier each day.
    Topics like cybercrime & hacking have become common things due to evolution of the internet. Cyber theft, hacking & cracking, spread of malware can be considered as some of the main computer related criminal activities. Therefore strong laws and regulations should be established to minimize the chances of cybercrimes. Already many developed countries like USA and UK have shown their attention towards this matter. But the problem is most of these laws enforced by government organizations violate the rights of the users.
    So there should be a proper committee to decide the rules and regulations related to the internet. Though most of the users of internet consist of students, doctors, university undergraduates etc. this committee should also consist of women, disabled people, civil society, and the youth. Sole involvement of politicians cannot be considered effective because then the rules and regulations may restrict some of the user’s freedom of speech and will also tend to be partial.
    Women should be given a place in these forums to avoid any gender discriminations. The youth play a major role in using the internet. Therefore, their participation in these forum is also vital. For the above reasons internet governance forums should be multi stakeholder.

  59. 16020715

    Internet governance forums should be multi stakeholder

    Internet governance is the development and application of shared principles, norms, rules, decision-making procedures and programs that shape of the evolution and use of the internet. Internet governance forum is a place where the people can express their ideas to make internet governance policies.
    Internet is a spread around the world so many people use internet to do their day to day activities and present it becomes very useful resource for everyone. With da developing technology internet is founded as a fast and modern way of communication.
    As the users, before we use, we have to categorize it what are the good things and what are the bad things. The internet is good, but not because it cannot be regulated. Like anything else, policies are voiced and implemented on the internet. The true strength of the internet is that, as an institution, it exhibits characteristics of policy formation that appeal to one’s sense of liberty.
    In the internet area, as in other areas the multistakeholder approach is widely accepted as the optimal way to make policy decisions for a globally distributed network. Multistakeholder decision-making is accountable, sustainable and above all effective. Just as the internet is evolving, and the digital economics and societies that rely on it, the multistakeholder approach must adapt to meet new challenges. The internet was developed by the public and private sectors, academia and civil society, harnessing the shared technical expertise of a global community of equals. Today much of the internet’s infrastructure is operated across borders and by a range of different stakeholders. Different types of people living in this world. So I think internet governance should be important. It may be helpful for decrease many unnecessary things happening to the society and helpful for the better future world.

  60. 16020901
    The Internet can be known as the modern guide or as the modern operator as all most all the sectors do not have a future without internet as all the sectors are now being digitized so all the functions are done by online.
    The Internet Governance Forum (IGF) is a multi-stakeholder forum that have dialogues about the Internet Governance (IG) which is known as the collection of procedures, rules and methods which have been evolving and developing for the Internet usage. In the IG, it is important to include Women, Differently Abled People, Civil Society and Youth whereas not only Policymakers Academic Technical.
    Women’s representation in the IT sector is high. But when comparing with the men, there are so many barriers to go to the higher levels in the IT sector. So the place to voice about these barriers and the rights is the IGF. Therefore the IGF should be included a considerable participation of women.
    The disabled people shouldn’t any disturb to access the internet as their disability. Around 15% of the world population is with at least a minor disable. So as per the ethical point of view, it is important to have a representation of those in the IGF to talk about their rights.
    Most of the Internet users are the Civil Society and the “Thumb Generation” always access the internet. So within the youth, the usage as well as the knowledge about the Internet is more. So when talking about IG, the participation of the civil persons is very important. Therefore as per the ethical point of view, the IGF should be included the Civil Society and the Youth.
    By having the participation of these groups, the policy making process of the IGF becomes more perfect. This participation is required by the ethical principles.

  61. 16020332

    Internet governance forums should be multi stakeholder

    Internet Governance is the development of applications by government, the private sector and civil society in their respective roles of shared principles, norms, rules and regulations. The massive uses of the Internet are countless. In fact, internet creates the way for many people to act badly.
    To control the unusual behavior of Internet by the internet users, Internet governance forums like authority bodies are established all over the world. The governing bodies need to decide among the areas of issues which are important to be controlled and enforce limitations. Although the forum is consisted with many responsible officers in top seats of the country, it should be consisted with multi stakeholders like women, differently abled people, civil society and specially youth rather than limited to policy makers, technical people etc.
    The initiative of youth into internet governance forum is created with a goal of encouraging and involving young people in substantive discussion on internet governance. Thereby to prevent unethical acts on internet whereas most of the young people are addicted with. Participation of Women on such forums also as important in current situations. It because most of the incidents faced by women through social medias are very unpleasant and most women are persuaded to harm themselves when they are unable to withstand for insulting remarks from the society. The involvement of differently abled people also as important when making policies against internet crimes. Role of civil society is unique and Significant. Civil society is the key attribute where most of the problems are raised and resolved. Therefore, the participation of civil society representatives on governing the internet is very important to find solutions for the acts regards Internet. So, it is important to have the commitment and contribution from every party in the society to make policies to govern the internet in a standardized manner.

  62. 16020464

    Internet governance forums should be multi stakeholder

    Internet governance is the development and application of shared principles, norms, rules, decision making process procedures and programs that shapes the evolution and use of the internet. Internet is not owned by not one person, an organization or not even a company. Nowadays, internet has become the most effective and convenient way of sharing ideas and communicating as it is free to be used without any restrictions. There should be a way to govern internet in order to get the maximum use of internet and prevent disgraceful incidents and things.
    Governance of internet shouldn’t be done by just a single specific party as it can cause resentment to other parties. It defines that the rule or norm that creates by viewing from only one viewpoint may not work for this type of public scenarios. There are many stakeholders that should take into consideration when governing internet such as government, business, civil society, technical community and so on. There are many reasons to point up that there should be a multi stakeholder approach for internet governance. Some of the key factors are, the decisions take by various stakeholders impact a wide and distributed range of people and interests. Also legitimacy and acceptance of decentralized decisions can directly impact implementation of effective internet. Also it helps to overcome the encounters between different stakeholders and their rights when governing internet and also helps to build effective tool by overlapping rights and responsibilities of different stakeholders.
    The most important thing is select right authority of different stakeholders in this governing process to upgrade this effective network more applicable. Therefore, there should be multi stakeholder approach to come up with ideal solutions and effective ideas for governing internet.

  63. 16020014
    Internet Governance forums Should be multi stake holder
    The multi stake holder governance frame work is informed by three components Open and inclusive human process ,Opened-ended unleashed innovation decentralized governance institutions.
    Multi stakeholder approaches are used in many areas as an accepted international norm. multi stakeholder decision making is accountable, sustainable, effective.
    Internet governance can be defined as the norms, rules, procedures, and norms. Already last year saw some fruitful discussions on the possible future arrangements. we had an opportunity to openly discuss the internet governance frame work. The internet society has developed of successful multi stakeholder decision making to guide pose of its evolution.
    The vision of internet governance presented above shall be complemented by views so that we can have a common message. the goal is to ensure that all relevant stake holders interested in a broad range of issues related to internet policy and governance may be genuinely involved in the governance .
    People have right to control the things what happening through the internet. Throughout the history of the internet, debates, over internet governance have been marginal issues. This was a period during which many governments and regulator stepped back to permit this innovation technology to succeed.
    There are advantages and disadvantages of governing the internet. Therefore special attention should be given to women in the internet governance.
    With multi stakeholder organization should be including not only policy makers but also including women, differently abled people, civil society and youth not only policy makers academia, and technical.

  64. 16020081
    Internet Governance Forums should be multi-stakeholder

    With a development of technology and society internet acts a major role in human’s life. It connects the devices and people all around the world to make this world global village and a fountain of knowledge everyone can access. Everything in the world has good as well as bad side and it’s valid to internet also. Therefore, internet governance is highly required for these days.
    Internet governance is the development and application of shared principles, norms, rules, decision-making procedures, and programs that shape the evolution and use of the internet. Internet governance is not something that one person or a company can do. Everyone in the society must participate to internet governance activities. By participating everyone in the society lot of different ideas and opinions pop up to successful the internet governance. Even different abled people also have good opinions and by participating them internet governance can success.
    As I said before internet is a fountain of knowledge. There have public as well as private information about companies and people. The main problem in the internet is that hackers and crackers break the high security systems and retrieve personal and business data and publish them. Wikileaks is a best example for it. Cyber-crimes also increase in these days. Therefore, internet policy makers and other parties participate to make some policies to control the internet.
    Therefore internet governance is most importance thing in these days and internet governance should participate multistakeholders.

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  66. 16020502


    Internet governance can be defined as the evolving policies and mechanisms under which the internet community’s many stakeholders make decisions about the development and use of the internet. In 2005, the UN-sponsored World Summit on the Information Society defined internet governance as "the development and application by governments, the private sector and civil society, in their respective roles, of shared principles, norms, rules, decision-making procedures, and programs that shape the evolution and use of the internet."
    Internet Governance Forum (IGF) is a place where issues regarding internet governance; such as hacking, phishing etc. are discussed. This was established subsequent to the UN-sponsored World Summit held in 2005. It is not a decision making body but rather, a place which allows people to speak freely about the issues regarding internet governance.
    Internet is widely used by students, undergraduates and professionals etc. Therefore; they have the knowledge about the issues regarding internet and allowing them to participate in these forums will benefit immensely.
    Using a multistakeholder approach for the Internet Governance is important since, internet is used by everyone all over the world and each class of people have different opinions on using the internet and the issues related to it. Specially, women, differently-abled people, civil society, youth etc. Also different forms of expertise are needed such as technical and legal proffeciencies etc. If the forums consists of only political parties and policy-makers it might have a tendency to be bias.
    Therefore, for the above reasons internet governance forum should be a multistakeholder forum.

  67. 16020154
    Internet Governance is control the processes by internet community with involving relative high level policies, mechanism and also many stakeholders take decision about development of internet.
    We get better answers to global questions when a range of experts and interests can meaningfully take part in the discussion. In accordance with that Internet must consist with multi stakeholders to being a successful network and through that all the people share and get suggestions from each other’s otherwise doing things individually on the internet. As well as the multi stakeholder approach is widely accepted as the optimal way to make policy decisions for a globally distributed network. This is reflected in declarations, resolutions, and day-to-day working practices of a growing number of international organizations. On an ethical view internet should consist with following stake holder parties,
    1).Women - The women’s movement has always had the ability to make the invisible visible and grant it a political character. This platform encourages women and their organizations to engage in making ethical policies and rules in accordance of women point of view.
    2).Civil society and Youth - is an open group for organizations and individuals, representing all stakeholder groups, willing to collaborate together in order to encourage and enrich youth participation in local, regional, and international Internet governance discussions and processes.
    According to my opinion multi stakeholder concept must address from the perspective of the developing world.

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  69. Index Number 16020294
    Internet Governance Forums Should be multi stakeholder.
    Technology is developing day by day .So the internet make the life is getting easier each day .Internet governance is an important to that is discussed in the technology . Internet governance is the development and application of shared rules , principles , norms , decision making procedures and programs that shape the evolution and use of the internet .Multi stakeholder governance is a fresh approach to the development of public policy , bringing together governance , the private sector and civil society in partnership .The movement towards this new governance paradigm has been most marked in areas involving global networks of stakeholders , too intricate to be represented by governments alone .Nowhere is this better illustrated than on the internet ,where it is an inherent characteristic of the network that laws ,and the conduct to which those laws are directed, will cross national borders .
    The internet was developed by the public and civil society , harnessing the shared technical expertise of a global community of equals . In present period much of across borders and by a range of different stakeholders . It is a complex but robust ecosystem where each part of the internet can rely on many other parts working together but often independently .
    The vision of internet governance presented above shall be complemented by your views so that we can have a common message . The goal is to ensure that all relevant stakeholders interested in a broad range of issues related to internet policy and governance may be genuinely involved in the governance of the internet in their respective roles. In this fact we must consider about women , differently able people , civil society and youth ,policymakers ,academia and technical ect .As well as in that fact we know the internet in the youth’s life is not a new technology .
    The process of addressing legal issues and the social consequences of technological developments invariably lags behind technological innovation .There is applies to the internet where governance is extremely needed to prevent or at least minimize the risk of the fragmentation of the internet .

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  71. 16020634

    Internet Governance forums should be multi-stakeholder
    Internet governance is the development and application of shared principles, norms, rules, decision-making procedures, and programs that shape the evolution and use of the internet. Personal and social communications have changed substantially with the use of ICTs, social networks and text messages. ICTs create new scenarios; new ways for people to live and these reflect real- life problems.
    Women know their core aim should be to support democracy in the political, social and economic fields and of course in the field of communications, including the internet. Taking action around internet policies today means dealing with other issues and the rights associated with them that also affect people who are not connected. The internet offers an opportunity for inclusiveness to view the global community of its users as one while recognizing its rich diversity. Internet technologies have the potential to give persons with different abilities the means to live on a more equitable basis within the global community in a manner that previously was not possible.
    Young people are the main users of internet among population of world. They experience online and offline life as a continuum and reportedly make use in high numbers of the internet on a daily basis. They are also more skilled than older generations and this gap is likely to increase in the following years with more digital natives entering youth. However there are significant number of young people that currently cannot enjoy access to the internet and that more likely to experience an ever increasing gap with more public services becoming available mostly online. But, Internet is a resource used by everyone irrespective of their nationality, race, religion, gender etc. Therefore in order to have proper governing of it, the IGF should include women, differently abled people, civil society and youth.

  72. 16020138

    Internet Governance Forums should be multi-stakeholder

    In this century world population is mostly depend on internet technology to accomplish day today transactions (activities). Most important thing is communication costs and technology costs are decreasing rapidly compared to previous days. Therefore developing and applying shared principles, norms, rules, and decision making criteria is important. (The concept introduced UN-sponsored World Summit on the Information Society in 2005). In simple forms internet governance is required. Then the whole world community could be able to satisfy and accomplish their requirements.
    As definition describes Internet Governance Forum is a multi-stakeholder forum for policy dialogue on issues of Internet governance. Each and every stakeholder should be considered when performing internet governance activities.
    When considering genders normally men are more aware of technology aspects by the nature. Therefore special attention should be given to women when governing the internet. Because the accessibility to the internet for women is lower compared to man and the online violence against women increasing rapidly. So proper opportunities should provide to suggest their ideas. Also the awareness about the technology, its capabilities and secure usage models should increase among them. New facilities could also be added (designing higher secured protocols etc.) to the internet also.
    There are different internet based applications introduced to help differently abled people. Therefore it’s important to gather them and collect their opinions also. Because the one who have the need could explain it properly than others. Academic and technical people have different aspects on technology compared to normal social community. Therefore those ideas may improve quality and reliability of the internet. Civil society and youth is a base source to collect issues, improvements related to the internet.
    In conclusion to make a better internet feature enabled world it’s important to consider all possible stakeholder levels when implementing Internet Governance.

  73. 16020391

    Internet Governance forums should be multi stakeholder

    Internet governance is the development and application of shared principles, norms, rules, decision-making, procedures, and programs by government that shape the evolution and use of the internet. Internet is open source that anyone can access, it is spread all around the country, and it is interconnected and transnational. As well as we know there are no owners for the internet and it is developing day by day and also internet was developed by variety of sectors. It is used lot of people in all over the world. The result of that internet allows to its improvements and internet governance should be approached to multi stakeholders that grown from the itself including women, differently abled people, civil, society and youth not only policy makers, academia and technical. In this case everyone can access internet that should have access to participate to internet governance forums and they have got some right to express their ideas.

    The multi stakeholder approaches can be used in an international organization as the optimal way to make decisions and policies for widely distributed network. Multi stakeholders can participate together in the dialogue, effective decision making and implementation of solution to problem of goals. Today technology is developing day by day. So internet governance need to different types of expertise such as technical expertise. Stakeholders are part of the process who works to make its implementation a success. Internet is evolving to the next phase and digital economies and societies that attache on it so multi stakeholder approach must correspond to meet new challenge that it can solve problems of the next phase. The solution is not a single and multi-stakeholder works everywhere that can be used anywhere. So multi stakeholder model is very effective tool box.

  74. 16020693

    Internet Governance Forums should be multistakeholder
    The development and application of shared principles, norms, rules, decision making procedures and programs that shape the evolution and use of the internet in simply called as the Internet Governance. When consider about Internet Governance Forum it is a multi-stakeholder forum for policy dialogue on issue of internet Governance.
    The Internet is open, distributed, interconnected, and transnational. The multistakeholder approach to internet governance has grown from the internet’s own form and is what allows it to thrive. Multistakeholder approaches are used in many areas as an accepted international norm. In the Internet area, as in other areas, the multistakeholder approach is widely accepted as the optimal way to make policy decisions for a globally distributed network. Internet governance is now an active topic of international discussion.
    In my opinion Internet Governance Forums should be multistakeholder including women, differently abled people, civil society, and youth, policy makers, academia and technical. It can be manual or automated. It can be free for anyone. Just as the internet is evolving, and the digital economies and societies that rely on it, the multistakeholder approach must adapt to meet new challenges. The Internet Governance forum is a multistakeholder forum for policy dialog on issue of internet governance. It brings together all stakeholders in the internet governance debate, whether they represent governments, the private sector or civil society, including the technical and academic community, on an equal basis and through an open and inclusive process.
    The Internet Governance forum serves to bring people together from various stakeholder groups as equals, in discussions on public on the internet. While there is no negotiated outcome, the Internet Governance Forum informs and inspires those policy-making power. When engaging with different stakeholders will reflect how real participation and power in the decision making process will be managed.

  75. 16020316

    Internet Governance Forum Should be Multi stakeholder

    The internet is open, distributed, interconnected, and transnational. So that the multi stakeholder approaches are used in many areas as an accepted international norm. In the internet areas, the multi stakeholder approach is widely accepted as the optimal way to make policy decisions for globally distributed network. This is reflected in declarations, resolutions, and day to day working practices of a growing number of international organizations.
    The multi stakeholder approach has been used for everything for allocating fair fishing rights to digitizing land registries to developing a code of ethics for an international organizations. Decisions impact a wide and distributed range of people and interests, there are overlapping rights and responsibilities across sectors and borders, different forms of expertise are needed, such as technical expertise and legitimacy and acceptance of decisions directly impact implementation.
    Many people talk about ‘the multi stakeholder model’ as if it is a single solution. But in reality there is no single model that works everywhere or for every issue. Instead, the multi stakeholder approach is a set of tools or practices that all share one basis.
    These day is soon approaching for internet governance. We are truly convinced we can play a decisions on internet governance and we should be vocal about the fact the internet delivers great economic crisis, the ICT sector beats another record in terms of its development, On the other hand, we have to be frank that certain stakeholders may not benefit as much as they would like to from this development and their claims may be legitimate.
    The goal is to ensure that all relevant stakeholders interested in a broad range of issues related to internet policy and governance may be genuinely involved in the governance of the internet in their respective roles.

  76. 16020022

    Internet governance forums should be multi stakeholder

    The Internet governance can be defined as the evolving policies and mechanisms under which the internet community ‘s many stakeholders make decisions about the development and use of the internet.
    The internet is open, distributed , interconnected, and transitional. The multi stakeholder approaches are used in many areas as an accepted international norm. In the internet areas , the multi stakeholder approach is widely accepted as the optimal way to make policy decisions for globally distributed network.
    According to my point of view multi stakeholder organization should be including not only policy makers but also women, differently abled people, civil society, youth and so on. Besides it shouldn’t a manual or framework for organization. It should be open to anyone and have a free membership. Internet governance is a topic in need of simplification and refinement because the internet is a global network. There are strong favors of multi stakeholder organization having a global focus and inclusiveness.
    Many people talk about ‘the multi stakeholder model’ as if it is a single solution. But in reality there is no single model that works everywhere or for every issue. Instead ,the multi stakeholder approach is a set of tools or practices that all share one basis.
    Multi stakeholder is an effective tool in internet governance for addressing legitimate , internet –related policy issues within specific terrorists, such as privacy, cyber security, and also developing internet based applications, norms, and etc.
    Governing by multi stakeholders; limiting government and corporate power, bringing the voice of users through civil society participation, and having technical stakeholders keep policy discussions centered on operational realities. Governments should understand the essential role of multi stakeholder organization to develop an effective internet governance strategy, role ,operation of multi stakeholder organization must be better understood.

  77. Index-16020375

    "Internet governance forums should be multi-stakeholder"

    With the advancing technology , the internet has become a widespread technological tool used for many purposes.Usage of the internet differs from person to person.Many things that the people did before the implementation of the internet had become easier thereafter.Communication,research,education,financial transactions,online bookings,Job searches are some of the things.
    Internet is not owned by anyone.It’s not a property of any organization or a person.So it’s not easy to restrict or control the users of the internet.Courtesy of that, many users violates the common ethics of the internet.Crackers and hackers try to break through the computer security systems,stole the data,change those data,use those data for unwanted purposes etc.These things can harm people.So, In order to protect this innocent party,there should be a proper internet governance.
    Internet governance can be defined as “The evolving policies and mechanisms under which the internet community’s many stakeholders make decisions about the development and use of the internet”.Normally in a country the government establish the laws and regulations.But if the government establish the laws covering every aspect of the internet, it can disregard the freedom of many users.So, internet governance is a skillful topic.
    The problem with the internet governance is if we consider a country like our country, all the rules and regulations being decided by government.As above mentioned,almost all the people use the internet nowadays.Most of the day-to-day life of the people is depending on internet.As this topic effect everyone, I think in making rules and regulations regarding the use of internet everyone should be involved including women,differently abled people,civil society and youth. Because they also use internet in their daily basis.They also have an acquirement to decide these things.So I think, to do the justice for every internet user,Everyone should collaborate in making the rules and regulations in using the internet so that we will be able to restrict ethical violences while ensuring the freedom of internet users.

    1. Index Number - 16020995

      You have mentioned that in our country , all the rules and regulations being decided by government . So it will directly affect in every person include women , differently able people, civil society and youth . Hence, even they got to chance on internet governance forums do you think they can make fair decisions in the process of making rules and regulations regarding the use of the internet ?

    2. Index- 16020375

      What I wanted to emphasize here is that the government need to take fair portion of ideas from the whole community for this process.(women,differently able people etc.) Internet has become more likely a basic need these days.(As far as I know some countries have announced it as a basic need as well) So,if the government can implement methods to gain ideas from the community while they are keeping the upper head, Yes.I think even the women,differently able people,civil society and youth can join to the process of internet governance effectively.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Index Number - 16020995

      Yes, I agreed with your point of view. But the only thing that I want to point out is government participation can be barrier in making fair decisions in internet governance forums.

  78. 16020308


    Internet is becoming a most important and valuable thing in modern society. All of us use internet for multi purposes. Multi-stakeholders are for internet such as Organizations , Individuals , Technical people , women , children , disable people , politicians etc. It is important to making rules regulations and also developing the system as well. Making rules are not only a responsibility of government it is a responsibility of all the other stakeholders. And when making rules we must consider the stakeholders vision too. Because they are the users of the internet and they know what might change what kind of things might reduce and what are the important rules as users. When considering stakeholders women have different requirements about internet. So their ideas are important towards rules making. Most of the times women face lots of troubles because of the internet. And also the children have their own requirements.
    These days differently abled people are often use the internet and it help them a lot to live. They also must be consider in developing the system and as well making rules. It is a responsibility of us to use internet for wellbeing of mankind. Everyone going to use internet for good purposes there is no need to make rules. But people misuse things easily and rules are need. And come up with new technology and brings new possibilities make world better. Come up with new technology is not only a decision of one or more technicians. They must consider about the multi-stakeholders whether they can catch the technology whether it will ease their works etc. It is important that the internet always be user friendly. They can make effective and the optimal decisions by considering the multi-stakeholders when they going to make rules, regulations or system updates.

  79. 16020707

    Internet governance forums should be multi-stakeholders.

    Internet plays a major role in today’s world. Both good and harmful things are thrown out from the internet. Privacy issues, cyber threats and internet feminism are some main problems that we are facing from the internet nowadays. Cyber threats are more dangerous because they can badly effects to an economy of a country. In 2016 group of hackers attack to the Bangladesh central bank and stole 81 million dollars. These problems are getting higher day by day, to reduce those bad things we have to govern the internet.
    Internet has no owner, it can be used anyone in anywhere in the world. Civil society, differently able people, youth and many more parties are consuming the internet, so not only policymakers, academia should involve in internet governance but also all those multi-stakeholders because internet is owned by everyone.
    Today the representation of women in IT sector has been increased almost equal to the men. Like everyone, women also have a right to freedom of speech, but most of women are facing the internet feminism. To govern harassment, intimidation, violence and other issues women and other genders face everyone should involve in governance forums.
    Internet governance directly relates to freedom of expression because almost all kind of communications nowadays are mediated via internet. If government want to govern the internet for reduce this online freedom, that’s not right because government means majority choice of the society. If government take a decision, it should include the majority choice of the society. There are millions of consumers in the internet and they have different needs and wants. Need of the youth may different than other parties. But we should get involved every party to make internet governance forums otherwise it should be a violation of human rights.

  80. Index No. - 16020405

    Internet Governance Forums should be multistakeholder.

    According to my point of view I assume that internet governance forums should be multitask holding. According to the Tunis Agenda for the Information Society, “Internet Governance is the development and application by governments, the private sector and civil society, in their respective roles, of shared principles, norms, rules, decision-making procedures and programmers that shape the evolution and use of the internet.”
    The policy makers, academia and technical facts only represent a certain percentage of the online users. These facts cannot cover the total expects of the whole community which includes women, differently abled people, civil society and the youth. Internet governance should be a platform where everyone can work and share their ideas interactively and represent their own personal views. It should maintain an open and a transparent process that encourages participation from a diverse range of people throughout the whole world.
    The global awareness is raising about good practices about internet governance. There is a great potential of multi stake holder participation in creating policies for internet governance, making it more efficient and useful. The inability to participate in internet governance forums make the users feel as a barrier which keep them away from participating in the modern digital world. If the society use the multi stake holder approach effectively, it will benefit the whole society and the modern digital era in a better way.

  81. B.C.R. ASHAN

    Internet governance forums should be multi stake holders
    Day today life inter net became the most needed thing in our life. The internet is open, distributed, interconnected, and transitional. Internet governance forums brings together all stakeholders in the Internet governance debate, whether they represent governments, the private sector or civil society, including the technical and academic community, on an equal basis and through an open and inclusive process.
    Internet governance is the development and application of shared principles, norms, rules, decision-making, procedures, and programs by government that shape the evolution and use of the internet. Internet governance should be a platform where everyone can work and share their ideas interactively and represent their own personal views. The policy makers, acadermia and technical facts only represent a certain percentage of the online users. These facts cannot cover the total expects of the whole community which includes women, differently abled people, civil society and the youth. But it can provide some set of rules to prevent and protect child,women and also male..
    There are so many different ideas about Internet governance. Also on internet different internet based applications introduced to help differently abled people. Therefore it’s important to gather them and collect their opinions also. Because the one who have the need could explain it properly than others. But thing is only by governing we can’t stop misuse of internet. we have to improve our mind set also..To this we have to gather every unit who use inter net and all stkeholders together and take a proper idea about how to govern internet and and proper manner like wise..and make a sound set rules and policies how it going on..give privacy respect others and internet users also. However my opinion is internet governance should be multi stakeholders..

  82. 16020146

    Internet Govenernce should be a multystakeholders

    There are 3.2 billion people use internet daily.What is this internet?
    Internet is a vast computer network linking smaller computer networks worldwide.
    Now a days people cannot do their daily works without internet.Because of that reason internet became very neccessary thing for human life.
    There are soo many advantages and disadvantages in internet.When we using internet we have to face this both advantages and disadvantages.
    So people have to make decissions to choose what is good and what is bad.

    The Internet was developed by the public and private sectors, academia, and civil society, harnessing the shared technical expertise of a global community of equals. Today, much of the Internet’s infrastructure is operated across borders and by a range of different stakeholders. It is a complex but robust ecosystem where each part of the Internet can rely on many other parts working together but often independently.
    Key Internet principles have made the Internet a global platform for innovation and economic growth:
    Participatory bottom-up processes,Prioritising the stability and integrity of systems, and Maintaining the open nature of the underlying technologies.

    According to my point of view multistakeholder decision-making started as a form of collective decision-making that allowed the Internet to evolve. It is a driving day-to-day work and strategic direction in what we used to think of as largely intergovernmental decision making bodies.
    The multistakeholder principles that have made the Internet such a success are increasingly being used in the Internet’s policy and governance work. They are now an accepted international norm for how the Internet is governed.
    But the multi stakeholder approach itself is evolving and needs to continue evolving. Academic research has identified many ways in which multi stakeholder decision-making can and should evolve.

  83. This comment has been removed by the author.

  84. 15020861

    Internet Governance Forums should be multi stakeholder

    Internet plays a major role in the present society. Most of the human needs are connected with this powerful tool internet. People use internet even to make a purchase (online booking, e-procurement), to communicate, for education and health etc. Since almost every person in the society use Internet for different purposes it should be a property which belongs to all. It’s open, interconnected and distributed. People are different from physically as well as mentally. So, according to my point of view internet should suit all these people. It must help to improve the well-being of all the social groups. So, the best solution is multi-stakeholder approach.
    Multi stakeholder approaches are used in many areas as an accepted international norm. In the Internet area, as in other areas, the multi stakeholder approach is widely accepted as the optimal way to make policy decisions for a globally distributed network. Multi stakeholder decision-making is accountable, sustainable and effective. Decisions impact a wide and distributed range of people and interests. Not only policymakers, academia, technical people. By this approach all the people from different backgrounds would be able to make the decisions such as technical people, women, children, differently abled people, civil society and youth. There are overlapping rights and responsibilities across sectors and borders. This problem can be overcome by multi stakeholder internet governance forums. Different forms of expertise are needed, such as technical expertise, and management expertise etc. Internet would be a better place for all the sectors. Legitimacy and acceptance of decisions directly impact implementation. There would be representatives from every social group which help for better implementation. Finally, the multi stakeholder approach allows us to protect and further develop the complex systems. So, Internet Governance Forums should be multi stakeholder.

  85. 16020928/2016is092
    Internet governance forums should be multi stakeholder

    Now world is not significant as we thought. Now world has become global Village. Everything in a hand distance because of the influence of internet. Any person or anything in miles away now under your fingertip. Actually internet has created some kind of a parallel world same as like real world.
    "Good and bad" we could see in every single entity in real world. So how it could not applicable to virtual world that was created by the internet. so that bad, violation of ethics is called internet crimes. Internet crimes have created big dark hole internet in recent days. Dark web, cyber attacks , trojan horses , ransomwares can be taken as few examples for cyber crimes.
    Every entity need a governance or controls. It is common for any society even for single family. So internet also need to be govern. This "internet governance" concept was introduced in World Summit of Information Society(WSIS) in 2005. Since 2005 there was a significant improvement in world internet governance . So many countries have created new rules and add changes for their constitutes regarding internet governance . But governing body was limited to policy makers, technical personnels and academia
    Actually real governance means everybody who use internet must have a chance to contribute to internet governance at least from a idea . Any race, any age, any sex, abled even disabled must have opportunity to contribute internet governance and policy creating processes. in other words it’s like bringing democracy into the internet governance. when policy creating part opened to multi users , governance become so familiar with all users. That will be reasoned to better cyberspace for better future .

  86. 16020863

    Internet governance is the set of policies which allows many stakeholders of the internet community to control or to make decisions about the use of internet and also about its development. Internet governance forum (IGF) is a forum which helps to bring the people together from different places in order to discuss the internet issues. Main goal of IGF is to allow the people to tell their opinions to the policy makers on the issues related to internet governance and to help people to take part in decision making process.
    There are a lot of things we can say for the internet governance to be multi-stakeholder. Here, in IGF mainly the participation of people from vulnerable groups and those with fewer opportunities for better social inclusion. Yeah it is good for the IGF to be multi-stakeholder, so that the views of a lot of people can be gained. So a vast number of ideas can be obtained to develop the internet and to maintain it in an effective way. By involving the people from various places, cultures, religions etc. different types of issues or problems can be discussed. And also many suggestions can also be gained.
    No any partiality is shown in IGF. It allows people to speak freely on an equal basis without any limitations or restrictions. Anyone can talk their problems, issues or ideas about the internet. Internet governance should be multi-stakeholder as women and children can also convey their views and ideas. Nowadays women face a lot of problems through internet so if they could make decisions about the internet through IGF it will be very helpful to minimize the problems or abuses against women and children.
    Other important party to be engaged in internet governance is the youth. It is very important to involve youth in the internet governance because they will have variety of new and fresh thoughts and ideas. They will also have a good knowledge on internet as the new generation is dealing highly with internet and technology. The younger ones will surely know about the problems that are created by the internet, so if they are allowed to govern the internet then surely it will lead to a harmless internet world.
    So it is really very important that the internet governance should be multi-stakeholder.

  87. 16020049

    Internet Governance Forums should be multistakeholder

    The Internet has become an integral part of our lives. It is made up of individual networks that are interconnected voluntarily. This means that no single organization can change the Internet without the support of the owners of other networks. This is where the concept of Internet governance comes in to play. Organizations,governments and other involved parties form a single body that creates shared policies for global interoperability and public good.
    Recent surveys show that more that 50% of the global population has access to the Internet. Since all you need to access the Internet is only a smart-phone , diversity among Internet users is very high. Everyone in this population expects different things from the Internet. From an ethical point of view, it is only fair that these people get a chance to voice their opinion on how to shape the Internet.
    Since significant amount of the users are civil society members it is essential that take part in the process of shaping the Internet. Differently-abled people also should be able to contribute to these forums. They should be allowed to bring forward their own suggestions on how to make the Internet a more compatible place for differently-abled people. Ethically, it would be right to give more weight to utility of least-advantaged people. Women and young generation make up a significant part of the civil society. It would be unethical if they are not given a chance to voice their views on how the Internet can be improved to fit their needs. If only the academia and policymakers were allowed to take decisions it would be a violation of freedom of speech of the other involved parties. Therefore the ethical thing to do is allow all involved parties to voice their opinion on the governance of the Internet.

  88. 16020588

    Internet Governance Forums should be multi-stakeholder

    Internet is the global computer network system of interconnected computer networks that use the internet protocol suite to link devices. Internet governance is the development and application of shared principles, norms, rules, decision making process procedures and programs that declare the use of the internet. There is no one is named or owns the internet. Anyone can do changes, anyone can use it. No restrictions.
    Specific single party should not be governs this relevant free source, because it will cause resentment to other parties. There are many reasons to emphasize that there should be a multi stakeholder approach in internet governance. Some of key factors are, the decision take by various stakeholders impact a wide and distributed range of people and interests. Multi stakeholder decision making is accountable, sustainable and effective. Also lawful and acceptance of decisions can directly impact implementation of internet effectively. There are many stakeholders that should take into consideration when governing internet such as government, Women, civil society & youth, technical community and so on. These used in many areas as an accepted international norm.
    At last but not least the most important thing is select right experts of multi stakeholders to take right decisions and there should be multi stakeholder approach to come up with optimal solutions. So, better the inputs and more inclusive the process the better output and there implementation effective ideas in governing internet.

  89. 15020479

    Internet Governance Forums should be multistakeholder

    Internet governance is the development and application of shared principles, norms and rules that shape the evolution and use of the Internet. No one owns the Internet. It is a globally distributed network containing many interconnected networks. It runs without a holder with each network setting imposing its own policies. Global debate over alternative methods to govern the Internet has been wide ranging. A multi-stakeholder process seems best suited for helping a widening array of actors, including mutual organizations, to connect a worldwide ecology of selections that are governing the Internet.

    The Internet, mainly with the rise of social media, has given growth to a series of moral panics over its societal implications. Television has virtually wiped out from the concerns of parents and teachers, replaced by the Internet and social media. New forms of old problems are arising online, such as romance scams, online mistreatment, customer fraud, grooming of children by predators, the recruiting of vulnerable individuals by terrorists, the annoyance of individuals, and more. These are viewed as moral panics because these concerns are more likely to be unequal to the actual problems they address.

    However, they are problems that are regarded as very severe by the public, which is asking for politicians and regulators to do something. Many countries have decided that they need more control over Internet-based technologies and the policies that support them. Multistakeholder governance offers a general method to recognize and coordinate a complex ecology by a wide range of actors around the world. Therefore Internet Governance Forums should be multistakeholder including women, differently abled people, civil society and youth, not only policymakers, academia, technical etc.

  90. 16020936
    DSH Wahala
    Internet Governance Should be Multistakeholder

    What is the internet? Internet is a vast computer network linking smaller computer networks worldwide. There are 3.2 billion using internet in the world population of 7.6 billion a day’s people cannot do their daily works without internet. It because internet is necessary thing for human life. Today internet has replaced several tasks we used to do in manually. As an example we can take send an email as an official confirmation for something but past days without internet we used to do type a letter and post it. Internet can used to do good things and also people using it to do illegal things.

    Internet governance on woman
    There is a gap in participation by women’s rights and sexual rights advocates in internet governance policy processes and development nationally, regionally and globally, in every sector and stakeholder group. Responding to this requires the development and strengthening of processes and mechanisms that enable the active, equal and meaningful participation of women and girls in decision making on how the internet is shaped and prioritised.This can only happen with real, effective and meaningful engagement of all stakeholders in the way the internet is developed and managed, particularly by women, girls and sections of civil society that have been historically marginalised in or excluded from these processes.

    On economy
    The Internet’s governance reflects the Internet itself: open, distributed, interconnected and trans-national. Just as the Internet is interoperable, so are its governing parts.
    The way these organizations make consensus decisions still reflects the Internet technical community’s defining principles – openness, end-to-end networking, and, above all, effectiveness.
    On civil society and youth It is encouraging to see new faces and ideas for Internet governance among civil society, and this has come not a moment too soon. The next two years represent a narrow, fraught window of opportunity for civil society to influence vital decisions about how the Internet is governed. Civil society is caught between governments who would quite happily see civil society relegated to the sidelines and other governments that see little or nothing wrong with the regime as it currently functions. To ensure that change happens and that it supports the further development of the Internet in ways that are in the best public interest, it is essential to strengthen the informed and active layer of civil society as fast as possible. For this to happen a much broader range of civil society actors need to be involved, including human rights and justice groups.
    The most effective decisions are those based on an open and deliberative process that consider a broad range of information sources and perspectives. This holds for both the quality and implementation of the decision.
    As the Internet is operated by a variety of public and private sector and civil society stakeholders, successful implementation of decisions needs imaginative and collaborative solutions. It is not as straightforward as passing a national law. Stakeholders who have been part of the process work harder to make its implementation a success
    The Internet was developed by the public and private sectors, academia, and civil society, harnessing the shared technical expertise of a global community of equals. Today, much of the Internet’s infrastructure is operated across borders and by a range of different stakeholders. It is a complex but robust ecosystem where each part of the Internet can rely on many other parts working together but often independently.The Internet serves us all, and we are all stakeholders in its future.

  91. 16020774

    Ethics is a key value of society. But the reality is that ethics
    serves more as a proclaimed virtue than as a standard to be
    applied in real life. For example, ethical issues have been
    addressed in the latest Internet governance discussions however, the importance of ethics has not been adequately stated. Moreover, in connection with many different online
    social networks, the need for clear ethical standards to
    protect users’ privacy should be emphasized. This paper
    analyzes the lack of appropriate accountability for ethical
    standards in Internet governance and develops ideas for improving the ethics environment.
    Irrespective of its design, a technological system should
    inspire trust. From an ethical perspective, trust enhances
    cooperation and fosters reciprocal relations. As
    a consequence, improved ethics for emerging technologies are needed, and Internet governance should be designed in a way that they are considered trustworthy in the eyes of civil society. Therefore, in the Internet governance context, special attention should be paid to data security issues and
    accountability requirements.
    Further, trust is also linked to reliance. If an individual is relying on something or someone to display a trait or behaviour, then this individual is acting in a way that is shaped by a more or less confident belief in the other party having displayed it. Trust is particularly important in the context of cyber threats and cyber security.
    For example, the building of trust can be improved by better sharing of information or by introducing more
    appropriate norms of reliance. But reliance and trust
    also play an important role in a contractual setting. Social
    networks that do not comply with expected behavioural
    values breed mistrust.
    Somewhat neglected in previous Internet governance declarations is gender
    equality. This gender equality is an important dimension of an inclusive
    and people centred society. Ensuring women’s parity encompasses access to information, communication,
    knowledge and decision making.

  92. Internet Governance Forums.
    With the vast development of technology world has become a global village , and for most of the activities mostly related to communication internet has become the most prominent way used , And also in learning process, sharing knowledge, social media etc. A being in the age of globalization ,internet is rapidly growing also there is a higher demand for information .Internet Governance play s a huge role in ensuring that the internet is functional, but the problem is who should manage the essential backbone and architecture of the internet in particular the DNS .
    Internet Governance is the development and application of shared principles, norms, rules, decision making procedures, and programs that shape the evaluation and use of internet.
    Internet governance forum is a multi-stakeholder forum for policy dialogue on issues of internet governance. It brings together all stakeholders in the internet governance debate, whether they represent government, private sector, society including the technical and academic community , on the equal basis .The establishment of the internet governance was formally introduced by the United Nations Secretary general in 2006 July , It was first convinced in October –November 2006.since then the word internet governance has been broadened beyond the narrow technical concerns to include a wider range of internet related policy issues.
    Law professor Yochai Benkler developed a concept of internet governance by the idea of three layers,
    • Physical infrastructure layer (through which information travels)
    • Code or logical layer (controls the infrastructure)
    • Content Layer( contains the information signaled through the network)

    The exact Question is whether the regulatory responses are appropriate to police the content delivered through the internet It also includes important rules for the improvement of internet safety and for dealing with threats such as cyber bullying, copyright infringement, data protection and other illegal or disruptive activities.

  93. 16020261
    Internet is one of the inventions that has a very dynamic growth. At the initial stage fewer people had access to internet but after decades of development of tools such as web browsers, search engines, mobile internet and wireless connections opened the internet not only to people with technical knowledge but also to the non-technical knowledgeable people.
    Internet governance could be identified as shared set of principles, rules, norms and decision making procedures shared among internet users on their respective roles. As the internet entered to the various sections of society roles of the internet users also evolved so the suitable tool to govern the open, interconnected and distributed internet. Multi stakeholder governance framework is open ended, decentralized and interconnected framework. Internet is a place actually facilitate that sort of framework easily so multi stakeholder governance would be much better for the internet.
    When internet governance forums are multi stakeholder it consist of not only policymakers, academia, technical people and government but also women, youth, civil society and differently abled people. Having all these people on board would help to get different perspectives on problems such as privacy, censoring and freedom of speech in the internet. Having opinions from the all involved sectors of the internet would make decision making more effective. More inclusive the process better the output will be. It also prevents policy makers taking sole decisions that would create and unrest among common users.
    With the evolution of the internet economies and societies also evolve therefore multi stakeholder approach would help to overcome new challenges as well. Common users are the ones who use experience the facilities of the internet so they have practical understanding about what the shape internet should be. Combining that practical understanding with the technological knowledge would serve internet governance better.

  94. 16020944

    Internet Governance Forums should be multi stakeholder
    At present modern day context internet is something which is widely spreaded ,open ,distributed, interconnected and transnational medium which everyone all around the world without any barrier can easily accessed into.
    Day by day development of internet is accelerating and due to that digital economies and societies that rely on it lead to evolve ,multi stakeholder approach which is widely accepted as the optimal way to make policy decisions for a globally distributed network , which includes the all the parties who are interested on this and participation of them which includes women, differently abled people, civil society and youth, not only policymakers, academia, technical personals should be involved in this internet governance forums. Because participation of them leads to make successful and effective decision-making to guide the next phase of its evolution: inclusiveness and transparency; collective responsibility; effective decision-making and implementation; collaboration.
    Basicaly it is more important to get the participation of women for this forum is why is that they are facing lot of problems in online for example of such issues, Women are subjected to violence online Women’s lives as presented online are minimize and also gender issues with other forms of social disadvantage, discrimination, and oppression, e.g. race, national status, age, or hetero and normativity. While this issue focuses on individual issues in gender and women’s rights as related to Internet governance, the intersectionality of the issues needs to be kept in mind.
    Therefore multi stakeholder model of Internet governance is the best mechanism for maintaining an open, and more secured Internet because, among other things, it is something which is gathered by broad interested parties, including businesses, technical experts, civil society, and all other related parties.

  95. 16020189


    The internet has become a valuable , if not an essential tool that can be used by individuals, communities, businesses, industry, internet firms, and government etc. This is a technological communication resource at the fingertips of users, where ever they live, work or play. For such reasons there is a huge demand on the need to support access to the internet, the availability of open information resources, such as for education and learning, the protection of personal privacy, and rights to expression in an increasingly digital world.
    Internet governance is the development and application of shared principle, norms, rules, decision making, and programs that shape the evolution and use of internet. To continue this Internet governance forum has been established. Even though it has been established for the governance, the participation of multi stakeholder is not convenient.
    Internet is not only used by one party, it is used by almost all the multi stakeholders. With the improvement of technology the society rely most of the time on the internet, and couldn’t do anything without it. In that state without any permission we can access to the internet. This has been a big issue. So it is important that multi stakeholders should participate in the internet governance, including women, disabled persons, etc.
    As women, disabled persons, teenagers are also a big user of the internet it is important to consider them also. The contribution of multi stakeholders is important to improve and increase the protection through the internet. As they may hold really important ideas. So it is important that internet governance forum should multi stakeholder.

  96. 16020601:
    Internet was developed by public, private sectors and civil society; exploit the shared technical expertise of a global community of equals. Today, lack of the Internet infrastructure is operated by a range of different stakeholders. It is a complex but it is a strong ecosystem where each part of the Internet can believe on many other parts working together but frequently independently.
    — Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Communications and Information Lawrence E. Strickling, Administrator of the National Telecommunications and Information Administration also stated the definition of the internet governance forums should be multi stakeholder as below:
    “The multi stakeholder model of Internet governance is the best mechanism for maintaining an open, resilient, and secure Internet because, among other things, it is informed by a broad foundation of interested parties – including businesses, technical experts, civil society, and governments – arriving at consensus through a bottom-up process regarding policies affecting the underlying functioning of the Internet domain system.”
    The Internet is open, interconnected, distributed, and transnational. The multi stakeholder approach to Internet governance has grown from the Internet’s own DNA .The multi stakeholder governance framework has been informed by three components they are opened-ended unleashed innovation, decentralized governance institutions and, open and inclusive processes. It is very important to include gender issues in internet governance. Today the representation of women in IT sector has been increased almost equal to men even though there are both good and bad. Women face many problems when they are reach to the higher levels in IT industry. Woman internet governance forum is giving a platform to raise questions about those problems.
    Multi stakeholder approaches are used in many areas. Like the Internet area, as in other areas, the multi stakeholder approach is accepted as the most favourable way to make decisions to the globally distributed network. As the Internet is evolving, and the digital economies and societies that believe on it, the multi stakeholder approach must adapt to meet new challenges.

    1. so as the internet is open and evolving we need this internet governance to be a multi stake holder one, so that it can be controlled and will be helpful to reduce negative impacts of the internet.

  97. Internet Governance Forums should be multi stakeholder

    The Internet is free resources, and everyone can be at their disposal. Now he asks a question about intellectual properties and does not pay tribute to the real contribution. And also the harmful use of the Internet should be limited, and this leads to Internet governance. The Internet Governance Forum (IGF) is a multilateral forum for policy dialogue on Internet governance. Every peoples who use internet day by day, They have also ownership to internet governance forum. Internet governance forum makes policy about internet governance ethics. After that peoples have to face these ethics. Internet is used for various industry, women, differently abled people, civil society and youth. While they are using internet, they have to face good and bad situation of internet their experience is useful for making policy about internet governance ethics. When considering people with different standards of living, so many Internet applications and programs are implemented for them. Usually they have better opinions and ideas about peace and other issues. Therefore it is very important to get involved in Internet governance forums. It is also very important that young people participate in Internet governance forums. Because they mainly relate to Internet technologies, and they can actively participate in decision-making processes. And sometimes it can happen that young people do not have much knowledge about political discussions. Through the forums of Internet governance, it can be changed. Many women already use the Internet today for their own work. So, they also have ideas around the world. There are some applications and websites that are used by most women. And they have experience about problems related to the applications and the Web sites. So women's participation is also important to Internet Governance Forums. Internet Governance Forums should bring together all stakeholders in the Internet governance debate, whether they represent governments, the private sector or civil society, including the technical and academic community, on an equal footing and in an open and inclusive process. Multi stakeholder‘s participation of Internet Governance Forums will be made very useful policy about internet governance ethics for social.

    1. so that as women are now participating in all aspects of work and also using internet, they should also be allowed to have their own opinion about governance of internet.

  98. 16020413
    Internet Governance should be a multi stake holder

    We all know what Internet is, it is a collection of networks and a base of information. It connects people from every nook and corner of the globe through computers and let people share information. Internet governance is a set of rules and regulations or policies which permits stakeholders of the internet community to decide and restrict the areas of usage in internet and also about the internet’s growth. So in order to bring people together from various parts of the world and analyze the issues rising regarding internet usage, IGF (Internet Governance Forum) is formed. Internet is a vast web, some people find ways to weave the web and make more use of it. But sadly there are also people who get caught in the web just like insects in a spider web, their life sucked out of them. To reduce such situations and also to make internet more of a positive network, IGF works hard. Because IGF allows every individual to voice their opinion to the people who make policies, therefor it lets people to engage in the process of decision making.
    Making internet governance a multi stake holder is important because the measurement of abuse, sensitivity and privacy may differ from country to country, region to region and community to community. So to decide what should be provided and prohibited the IGF definitely needs the support and opinion of all types of stake holders. In IGF everybody is allowed to speak freely about internet issues and ideas without any partiality, people’s opinion is viewed under equal basis. Women and children are the people who are targeted and they are the people who face major troubles due to the internet. So if they could also give their own opinion and make decisions about internet governance it would be better. All types of people women, children, differently abled people and elders should be allowed to govern the internet and make it a better place for themselves.
    And most importantly today’s youth should play a major role in this zone, because they are the people who face the trouble, who create the trouble and also can solve the trouble. So their views and opinion and ideas are most important to the IGF. So if all these kind of people are allowed to participate and IGF is made multi stake holder, definitely internet will contribute to make the world a better place.

    1. So as you mentioned the organizations are handling internet governance matters, they should always implement multi-stakeholder to come up with an effective and the optimal decision even though some conflicts will arise during the process.

  99. 16020482
    Assuming for once that the term Internet Governance Forum does not vaguely refer to just any forum, but the global body of the same name and owned by the United Nations, it is not in anyone’s place to agree to whether the forum should be multistakeholder or not – because the IGF by definition is a multistakeholder body. This kind of brings any argument against any such forum, other than the UN IGF, having the voice of every interest party heard within, to an end. Any internet governance forum should be multistakeholder.
    But why?
    If one looks back into the history of the internet and the amount of freedom it has granted all the people using it to express themselves over the years, it sure will give them the hope that we are still free human beings. At a time when Press and other media have become mere tools of manipulation, the internet kept connecting every corner of the world, giving people a voice they never used to have. All the good that has come to pass because of this freedom outweighs the little bad the internet is dreaded for. And there are people who don’t like good things, because it stands in their way to become global powers. Politicians and the global elite have been trying to silence the voice of the internet community lest the truth be unveiled. Recent policies of the governments trying to censor the internet and China’s Golden Wall Firewall, are some of the infamous examples. Had it not been for the protest of people from many different backgrounds, positions, countries, the internet could have easily become yet another Television Network.
    Everybody must have the right to contribute in making the policies that govern how the public and the internet interact, because the internet belongs to all.

  100. 16020512
    Internet Governance forums should be a multi stakeholders

    The internet is very confused thing. Computer is main thing to come internet. Currently there are 3.2 billion people use internet. Why people use internet? What is this internet? Mainly it uses to communicate. Now a day anyone cannot do their daily works without internet. Because of that reason internet became very necessary thing for human life and social media is very important such as Facebook, WhatsApp, Tweeter, Viber and etc. That kind of media mostly use younger generation. Today it is overcome we have to control it. There are so many advantages and disadvantages in internet. When we using internet, we have to face this both advantages and disadvantages. people have to make decisions to choose what is good and what is bad.
    This topic discuss about issues using the internet and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of control the internet to build better usage of the internet. The Internet was developed by the public and private sectors, academia, and civil society, harnessing the shared technical expertise of a global community of equals. Today, much of the Internet’s infrastructure is operated across borders and by a range of different stakeholders. It is a complex but robust ecosystem where each part of the Internet can rely on many other parts working together but often independently. Key Internet principles have made the Internet a global platform for innovation and economic growth.
    The multistakeholder principles that have made the Internet such a success are increasingly being used in the Internet’s policy and governance work. They are now an accepted international norm for how the Internet is governed. Now a days increase network more useful for multi stakeholder approach to get best and effective decision for governance to internet.

  101. This comment has been removed by the author.

  102. 16020766

    Internet Governance Forums should be multi-stakeholder

    Internet isn’t owned by anyone though we pay for the service of obtaining the facility. So, as you can imagine, there is no governing body that controls the internet, more specifically, there is no organization which decides what content should be there and, what should not be, who should access the internet, what should they have the access to and so on. So, with the development in the technology and increase in the population that uses those technology, there has arisen a new issue. That is, the misuse of internet, in the form of violation of privacy, increase of copyright infringements and theft of data.
    So, there we face an important question; should there be an organisation/governing body to control the internet? As an answer to this, there’s a suggestion that the internet should be governed by a multi-stakeholder approach. But first of all, what is internet governance? Internet governance can be explained as the development and application by governments, the private sector and civil society, in their respective roles, of shared principles, norms, rules, decision-making procedures, and programs that shape the evolution and use of the Internet.
    In a multi-stakeholder approach, the governing body should contain women, differently abled people, civil people, youth, academic personnel and as well as individuals from different professions. This, balances and creates a standard for the data and information that is being reviewed in the internet. This way not only there be consistency in the information as well as integrity. The number of misuses and thefts will decrease while the validity and the value of the information shared in the internet would increase.
    So, in summation, it can be concluded that the approach of internet governance by multi-stakeholder approach is very much in need and is a timely decision.

  103. 16020172

    United Nations has defined the internet governance as "the development and application by governments, the private sector and civil society, in their respective roles, of shared principles, norms, rules, decision-making procedures, and programs that shape the evolution and use of the internet." That means the rules, schedules and procedures made by government to create discipline in using internet and guide new ones in a better path. Internet governance forum is a place that everyone can speak freely and give their ideas to make internet governance policies. As in my opinion this forum participation should be multi-stakeholder. As we can understand world has different kind of people and they have different levels in their lives. Because of that every person’s thoughts and feelings are different from another person. If there is something implementing that affect all of them, the makers of it should consider all of them and should look in their point of view. If government wants to achieve the success of the internet governance they have to work and implement their policies as mentioned before. If the internet governance policies don’t fit to their people, there will be arguments, may be protests. But the most important thing is if they try to break the law in their own way, as an example by using VPN to forge their IP address and do the things. This situation put all other’s privacy at stake and future generation will try to learn this before they obey the law first. From that internet governance’s expectation of make disciplines in using internet will lose. In order to prevent these problems government has to consider all the facts before implementing the laws to the internet. By multi-stakeholder participate on forums, as a society we can get the real advantages of the internet.

  104. 15020681

    The Internet has transformed from an interesting innovation to a global infrastructure that is supporting global economic and social development, while providing a global platform for innovations in technologies, such as software and applications, for business, industries, and society. When it comes to who should govern the Internet, Although there has been broad support for the multi-stakeholder approach to Internet
    governance, the debate has emerged between proponents of the multistakeholder approach such as Ethical aspect.
    Decisions in Multistakeholder approach impact a wide and distributed range of people and interests including women, differently abled people, civil society and youths all over the world. There are many advantages and also disadvantages of ethical consideration in Multistakeholder .
    As a example, there are complaints regarding women abusing and harassment on internet, and no effective way to control it in larger scale with local internet governance. But in multistakeholder model, those parties, individual groups can be a stakeholder and together they can participate in dialogue, decision making, and implementation of more effective solutions in my point of view. It’s platform to raise the voice for the women and their concerns.
    Also It is argued that such a multi-stakeholder model is also important to curtail the power of nation to dominate the internet as has been the case with other traditional media. In such a scenario, a multi-stakeholder model, can act as a check upon the furtherance of the interests of nation, which cannot always be equated to public ethical interest, especially with concerns like freedom of expression, ethics and privacy.
    Multistakeholder model can help with disabled people, civil societies, comminutes by participating decision making, policies, regulations process more effectively than general local Governance models

  105. 16020367
    Internet Governance Forums should be multi stakeholder.

    Internet is the most widely used by millions and millions of people around the world in order to connect with each other and carry out their day to day activities with ease. This has resulted in Internet being a virtual society where users of the Internet are the members of it. Internet Governance is the developing and applying of certain shared rules, regulations, norms and procedures regarding the usage of Internet, so as to ensure there are certain standards that are maintained, as Internet is freely available and can be accessed by anyone. Internet Governance Forums take place in order to discuss on such issues.
    Usually policy makers, academic and technical individuals are given more importance in such forums, even though there are many stakeholders among us who are part of the virtual society. Women, differently-abled people, civil society and youth too should be given a chance to raise their voices and let their opinions be heard. Online violence and Internet harassment of women should be enough reason for women to take part in such forums as out of the total people facing online violence, 57% are women. The Civil society and Youth have the highest usage of the Internet and their opinions and ideas too will be of much value and could help make the Internet a better place. Differently abled people are able to see the world in a way that usual individuals will never see and getting their opinion would definitely be worth hearing for better Internet Governance as well.
    Hence, Internet Governance Forums should take a multi-stakeholder approach in order to be able to satisfy all the users of the Internet, so as to build a safe and beneficial virtual society that the users can trust and benefit in their day to day life.

  106. 16020162

    Internet Governance forums should be a multi stakeholders.

    Internet is a complex and major network, which every network connects. Because of that, Internet has distributed over the world, become new society that different people interact with each other for various purposes.
    Internet is not a property of any person or company, because of that it doesn’t have and unable to put barriers and restrictions for whole internet. Because of that there are lot of violations and unethical things happening in the internet. Viruses, hackers, spywares, phishing, spams, threatening, data theft are just few of cybercrimes. To avoid and control these crimes we need proper governance and rules. When we do that, we shouldn’t take only policymakers, academia or technical people to make governance forum. If only they make rules, it won’t be fair for everyone of internet.
    As example, if a parliament member makes those rules, He’ll restrict most of other political parties work on internet, they will dominate over the internet about their works, Close social media pages that not supporting them, limit freedom of speech. They will make inefficient decisions because of their personal perspectives.
    Because of that in making of governance and rules, there must be including civil society, youth, women, differently abled people and others. Everybody should have a voice in making governance and rules, Because of they should participate to express their personal perspectives and they should have freedom of speech. As example youth should participate in making governance forums, because if older person makes rules they might ban social media like Facebook, because they always hear about suicides related to Facebook. But a young person knows how important Facebook can be. By doing this way, governance forums will fair to everyone. But, there should be some limitations, unless freedom might go wild. Internet must be safe and fair for everyone.

  107. 16020979
    Internet governance forums should be multi stakeholder

    The internet is open, distributed, interconnected global computer network that is providing variety of information and communication facilities, consisting of interconnected networks. Internet governance is the evolving policies and mechanisms by governments, the private sector and civil society that shapes the evolution and use of the internet. It’s important because community to ensure that the future of the internet remains open, secure, trustworthy and inclusive. Mostly policymakers, academic, business and technical parties are making decisions about the development and use of the internet by recommending rules, decision making procedures and programmes for the governance forum of internet. But it should be diversify for the women, differently abled people and youth. Because no any person, organization, company or government owns the internet.
    As an example in North Korea all websites are under government control and about 4% of the population has internet, in Cuba internet available only at government controlled “access points”. It shows how the government and other policymakers censored the freedom of the internet governance. There are many reasons to emphazise that there should be multi stakeholders approach in internet governance. Some of the key factors are the decisions taken by the various stakeholders impact a wide and distributed range of people in all over the there should be a way to govern internet in order to make this more useful and prevent outrageous things.
    Multistakeholder approach for the internet governance forum is widely accepted because multistakeholder decision-making is accountable, sustainable and effective. Also it helps to overcome the clashes between different stakeholders and their rights when governing internet and also helps to build effective tool by overlapping rights and responsibilities of different stakeholders and it is important that we should select right expert s of different stakeholders in this governing process because it is a world-wide networking system. Finally the multistakeholder model of internet governance is the best mechanism for maintaining an open, resilient and secure internet because rather than interested parties, technical experts, civil society and governments all other people can governs the internet.

  108. 16020804

    The internet is accessed by billions of people around the globe for various reasons. These people belong to different different social, ethnic and interest groups. And the reasons they use the internet may vary from watching a video to communicating sensitive information over to recipients across the world.
    But there are factors behind the internet and the reasons for its existence, that are not child’s play. Governments are concerned about the way the internet functions. Technical people are concerned about how the internet functions. If only these people get to set the policies and rules that govern the internet the rest of the users who keep the internet a lively place will be left behind. Their needs may not be met if the internet is governed by the rulers and the tech savvy.
    Thus it is worthy to say that the internet governance forums should be multistakeholder. That everyone’s voice be heard when compiling the policies which will shape the way the internet looks in the future.

  109. 16020571

    Internet Governance forums should be a multi stakeholders

    Today internet is almost everything. It’s impact in social,political,economic,and attitudinal aspects is immense. In fact this is overwhelming and limitless. Therefore it is needless to mention that internet governance forums should reflect the internet itself. To be multi stakeholder these forums should not only represent the academic, technicians, financial, supporters etc but also the grass roots like women,youth,differently abled etc those who occupy and use internet.
    Imagine if you install a motorcycle engine to a footbike it will be faster, it will be stronger and also will be able to energy more weight and save your time. But everything has a downside in this case it is going to be air and sound pollution
    Birth of the internet also like the footbike that I mentioned above. When it comes to internet some methodology can be applied.Just like downsides and good sides.
    Just like a good driver to a bike Internet need a proper governance but not a proper one.
    Think of this as a passenger aircraft with without two pilots it is impossible to drive it properly governance of internet is also just like that to give a proper governance it should be distributed between multiple stakeholders.
    Nowadays internet is like your own shadow.grandson to granddad everyone is using internet.
    Think of a women who hung herself because of a baker who distributed her nudes throughout the internet.
    Think of a differently abled person was bullied by classmates using social media.
    Think of the youth that is wasting upon porn,FB,online games and things like that.
    There are politicians who use internet as a weapon to their own sake.
    If the local government itself were able to give a proper governance would those things be possible??
    These things are prove the multistakeholder need of internet governance.

  110. 16020792

    Internet Governance Forums should be Multistakeholder

    In nower days "Internet" has been one of the most easy method of finding information. It is used by lot of groups of
    people without caring about tha religion, community, cast, age, status etc. So it is very important to govern the internet as it is accessed by billions of people
    around the world. Because of that governments are concerned about the way the internet functions. But it is not fair to govern the internet only by technical people.
    I think people beside that, peole who are using this must get the same right to govern the internet forums. If it so then who will be look at the needs of the users.
    Their difficulties are known by them. How will the technicians know the needs of the users? thus it is worthy to say that the internet governance forums should be
    People are vary from their feelings. Different groups of people have different ideas. If we give chance only to tech
    savvy then there is no chance to meet the needs of the users. Women, differently abled people, civil society and youth are also using internet.So they have various
    ideas. So it is a must to hear the sound of all these groups. If not then the technicians are fail to meet the requirements of the users. Because varios groups are
    using the internet on varios reasons.Because these people belong to different social, ethnic and interest groups. If only technical people get to set the policies and
    rules that govern the internet the user groups are not satisfied with that service.
    So according to my point of view I think the support of the users must take to govern the internet. Their ideas also
    will be valuable because the rulers have not the mind of users. It will be more successful if the rulers can hear to the sound of the users. Everyone's voice be heard
    when compiling the way the internet looks in the future.

  111. This comment has been removed by the author.

  112. 16020553

    Internet today has become a powerful tool in the lives of people. It delivers great economic and political benefits and has profoundly changed the shape of our societies.small organizations,large organizations and nations at large have become so dependent that if at all it shuts down , it would result in a total collapse in the functioning of a nation. Due to this reason it is important that the internet be reliable and secure. There is an ongoing requirement to ensure common standards, connectivity protocols and domain name classifications – to make sure the internet operates effectively universally across the globe. There are also serious concerns relating to the management of online content in order to protect vulnerable users such as children in the case of inappropriate sexual content or child abuse images. Online criminals exploit the speed and reach of the internet with incredible vigour so there is a pressing need for the development of coordinated international routines and approaches in dealing with the rising tide of online scams, phishing attacks and criminal behaviour on the internet. This is why governance of the internet is important in today’s day and age.
    Internet governance can be defined as the evolving policies and mechanisms under which internet community’s ‘stakeholders make decisions about developments and use of internet. Internet governance covers a wide range of issues from day to day technical and operational workings of the internet to issues such as combating crime on the internet .This concept was introduced in the world summit of information society 2005.To discuss and solve issues related to the governance of the internet the internet governance forums are held annually . The Internet Governance Forum (IGF) serves to bring people together from various stakeholder groups as equals, in discussions on public policy issues relating to the Internet. IGF informs and inspires those with policy-making power in both the public and private sectors.
    If the internet was governed by a centralized body ,that would be a hindrance to the ultimate motive which is keeping it free and open and unbiased. Therefore a decentralized approach is necessary in maintaining the standards expected by people. Not only this it is also important that a wide variety of people be engaged in policy formation and discussion of issues concerning the internet. The reason being that the internet being a multi stakeholder tool. If policy formation is done by a group of policy makers, academic and technical personnel , they would not address the requirements of all users of the internet. Government intervention is necessary, but only to an extent. Many parties should be involved so as to make sure that people’s rights are not violated. Ex: The snowden documents showed how the NSA had carried major surveillance on US citizens violating their privacy . This is why groups from all sectors is necessary is discussing these issues. Otherwise decisions concerned will be highly politicized and result in major violations of the rights of some groups of people. Youth are necessary since they are some of the largest users of the internet and will be the next generation that govern countries . Therefore it’s important to include youth so that the decisions taken are sustainable. Similarly the disabled, and people from all sexes should contribute in these discussions so as to make sure that their requirements and rights are addressed. This kind of participation is necessary to keep a balance between who should control and to what extent while also keeping it secure for all users as well as uplifting the rights of the users.

  113. 16020456

    Internet governance is where many stakeholders make decisions about the use and the development of the internet. In 2005, the UN-sponsored World Summit of the Information Society defined internet governance as “the development and application by governments, the private sector and civil society in their respective roles of shared principles, norms, rules, decision making procedures, and programs that shape the evolution and use of the internet”.
    At present, these stakeholders include network and server operators, domain name registrars, IP address and standards organizations, ISPs, individual users, civil society organizations and the government.
    However as internet is not owned by any but used by many is it fair just to be governed by some selected parties? Of course the answer is ”NO”. Everyone should have equal rights in their say. Each an every one of us including women, differently abled people and the youth should have a role to play in internet governance, so that every aspect of every opinion is taken into consideration. Not all of us have the same mindset, but together with the different opinions we will be able to reach a fair and a peaceful conclusion that everyone is benefited. For example, people publish videos where the differently abled are taken into pity and treating them as special, but they might see it as an offense to their personality.
    Although the equal rights play the part in internet governance the above way, this also creates issues like how are we to train everyone in the matter?, will our privacy be affected? Sometimes, rather than arriving at fair conclusions it might also create chaos among people. Above all, would this approach be practical?

  114. 15020096

    The multistakeholder governance framework is informed by three components: a) (infrastructure, b) governance and, c) human. The Internet is open, distributed, interconnected, and transnational. The multistakeholder approach to Internet governance has grown from the Internet’s own DNA and is what allows it to thrive. Multistakeholder approaches are used in many areas as an accepted international norm. In the Internet area, as in other areas, the multistakeholder approach is widely accepted as the best way to make policy decisions for a globally distributed network. This is reflected in declarations, resolutions, and day-to-day working practices of a growing number of international organizations.
    Multistakeholder decision-making is accountable, sustainable and above all effective. The better the inputs and the more complete the process, the better the outputs and their implementation.
    Just as the Internet is evolving, and the digital economies and societies that rely on it, the multistakeholder approach must adapt to meet new challenges.
    The Internet Society has developed four attributes of successful multistakeholder decision-making to guide the next phase of its evolution: completeness and transparency; collective responsibility; effective decision-making and implementation; collaboration through distributed and practical governance.

  115. 16020235

    Internet Governance Should be Multi stakeholder.

    The internet has become a valuable, if not an essential tool that can be used by individuals, communities, businesses, industry, internet firms, and government etc. This is a technological communication resource at the fingertips of users, where ever they live, work or play.
    As the internet is open, distributed, interconnected and transnational, it can be accessed by anyone at any time , as well anyone can upload anything to internet without anyone’s permission. So it can be used to do good things and also to do illegal things. So internet should have a some kind of governance and it should be multi stakeholder.
    When internet governance forums are multi stakeholder it consists of not only policymakers, academia, technical people and government but also women, youth, civil society and differently abled people. Having all these people on board would help to get different perspectives on problems such as privacy, censoring and freedom of speech in the internet. Having opinions from the all involved sectors of the internet would make decision making more effective. More inclusive the process better the output will be. It also prevents policy makers taking sole decisions that would create and unrest among common users.
    Therefore multi stakeholder model of Internet governance is the best mechanism for maintaining an open, and more secured Internet because, among other things, it is something which is gathered by broad interested parties, including businesses, technical experts, civil society, and all other related parties.


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